Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear Politician Rehberg - Denny Rehberg you have not won the primary yet. Montana's US Congress race - Denny Rehberg - Your Fired.

It's Not Personal Denny Rehberg - It's Business...

Send In by a Reader...

"" Dear Politician Rehberg,

-you have not won the primary yet

-if you win the primary(God forbid this) then you will be facing 1 Democrat and 1 Libertarian in the general election

-before that you are being targeted by constitutional minded folks who are sick of your lack of representation of us, hence our support for Mark French who is the soundest candidate according to the constitution in Montana's US Congress race.

-we also understand that the Montana State GOP is already involved in shoving you down the people of Montana's throats via contribution phone calls and through emails from Chairman Deschamps where you are offered as the only choice for Montana in the primary, sounds like there should be some kind of legal action taken against these abuses (this is very familiar to McCain being shoved down our throats by the RNC and MT State GOP when Ron Paul was the best presidential candidate in 08)

-furthering your Politician style sellout of the people we have come to know that you have ties to certain lobbying firms so we know how you will continue to vote and that will be: pro international police action, pro big brother, pro invasion of privacy, pro biometrics, pro big government, pro drug prohibition, pro United Nations.. all being against the constitution which is fundamentally anti American

-if you have any ounce of dignity left you will withdraw, repent of your Politician activities over the years and support/endorse a Statesman

still do not understand the difference between a Statesman and a Politician?

A Statesman loves the Constitution.
A Politician hates the Constitution.
A Statesman enforces the Constitution.
A Politician violates the Constitution.

A Statesman uses truth to keep power in the hands of the people.
A Politician uses lies to gain power over the people.

A Statesman's primary concern is to secure freedom for future generations.
A Politician's primary concern is to get elected or re-elected. *

A Statesman will not play politics with the people's money.
A Politician will buy votes with tax money.

A Statesman knows the people must control government.
A Politician believes that government should control people.

A Statesman knows the people must limit government's power to tax.
A Politician believes government should have unlimited power to tax.

A Statesman gives his allegiance to the people and country.
A Politician gives his allegiance to government.

A Statesman will demand a balanced budget.
A Politician will spend money stolen from future generations(deficit spending).

A Statesman will cause peace.
A Politician will cause wars.

-Politician Rehberg, you have out done yourself
and earned a Pink Slip multiple times over! ""

Say No To Denny Rehberg - Email me your Tips of Corruption, Indescretions, Fraud on the Courts, or ANY thing you know about Denny Rehberg... Sent your Tip to - Montana Investigative Blogger....
The Above Was Sent in to Our Montana News by the People to the People Network... We are Huge.. Write on Our Blogs and GET Heard... and NO Fan of Denny Rehberg will be Allowed.. Sorry.. The Boat Accident, the Listening Session, What I have heard.. Well.. Just Say NO...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

FBI Coverups, Boca Police Scandals, Major Law Firms Covering Corruption, Enron Collapsing, Attempted Murder, Invention Stolen, Denial of Due Process.

In America only Certain People have rights to Protection from the Law - Most All are just Collateral Damage to Protect Corrupt Attorneys, Judges, DOJ Officials, Corrupt FBI agents, Billionaire Tech Companies, Major Media Companies and Mega Law Firms.

Judical Coverups, Attorneys and Judges Protecting Each Other, Illegal Behavior among judges, attorneys and clerks .. well this is American Justice.. not based in TRUTH or Law but Based in who you know and what your willing to pay them to cover your Dirty Deeds...

"" KernelOfTruth says:

There is a case in which any one of you might be interested. It involves the theft of patents worth at least one trillion dollars, and has already paid out billions in royalties that have never been received by the inventor or the company (with no report of where that much looted money has disappeared).

The reason you may be interested is that it is a Florida case with ties to places in New York, and the inventor seems to have run into problems similar to those discussed by individuals who have posted on the subject of public corruption in the Scott Rothstein case.

The shenanigans are unbelievable, including, but certainly not limited to, a Keystone Cop like investigation by the Boca Raton Police Department and an ostensible Office of the FBI [in West Palm Beach]. How much do you think it cost the taxpayers to set up that [rented FBI] Office, which acted as though an investigation was being run when nothing was done to examine the complicity of lawyers, public officials, and investigating agencies and a car bombing.

If you are interested, you can go to and listen to certain testimony relating to the crimes that were allowed to occur through the Courts, both a Civil Division State Court and U.S. Bankruptcy Court, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

If you prefer, you can read certain documents at

The inventor and main person being abused, Eliot L. Bernstein, discusses the matter in the State Hearings held in New York, involving public corruption. One case brought up concerns a Monty Friedkin case, which he says is cloaked as lawyers and law firms acting as a criminal enterprise stealing inventions from inventors.

He identifies William J. Dick of the Foley and Lardner law firm and Brian Utley as working with Christopher Clarke Wheeler to steal inventions from Monte Friedkin, of Diamond Turf Equipment, a Florida corporation.

The criminal enterprise against Mr. Friedkin was explained as Utley (operating as the President of the company) contracting former IBM patent attorney William Dick to write Friedkin’s patents in his name and place them into a company incorporated by Christopher C.Wheeler of Proskauer Rose.

According to [page 15 of] the Complaint found at that web site, a lawyer that had subsequently been convicted in Florida of Felony Driving Under the Influence with Injury is identified as the instigator or ringleader. Then, this ringleader, Christopher Clarke Wheeler, is identified as a lawyer with the law firm of Proskauer Rose.

This scam is identified by Eliot Bernstein (in testimony and also by Stephen Lamont in the Complaint) as being perpetrated in a same fashion [as that run against Diamond Turf] when involving his Iviewit Company, wherein certain individuals performed in the enterprise, to walk the patents and intellectual properties [Utley] worked on, out of the business and into a company that these co-adventurers owned, in which the true owner [in this case, one can replace Friedkin with Bernstein] had no interest or idea of it’s existence.

Scroll down to pages 16 - 18 of the 43 page Complaint, and you can read about how both intrinsic and extrinsic fraud were further perpetrated before a Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County, in the State of Florida, with what would appear a Circuit Court Judge’s willingness to grant an allowance for continual acts of perjury, intentional fraud, and criminal acts of conversion.

For instance, the Judge [Jorge Labarga] is said to have stated that the prior counsel that the parties did not know or hire had been representing them so that the right to file almost anything in the case had been waived by the counsel that had no authority to file the case or act in the case.

Further on, at page 21 [after explaining the reasons for starting File number 402-2-59-1799-339, on May 13th, 2002, with the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, at the behest of the Long Beach, California FBI], is the explanation “Bernstein, upon discovering further that the companies were involved in a federal bankruptcy in Florida (Case No. 01-33407-BKC-SHF Inv Chap 11 in the Southern District of Florida) and the law suit in civil court in Proskauer Rose v. Iviewit discussed above, both previously unbeknownst to exist by shareholders or management of the legitimate companies, built his case from California and then moved to Florida to the lions den or Labarga’s court and the Bankruptcy Court, believing that justice would be had.

Both actions filed in Florida were instigated by Proskauer Rose and Proskauer Rose referred management Utley, Michael Reale and an entity RYJO, Inc. (“RYJO”).

RYJO a subcontractor under a strategic alliance structured by Proskauer Rose, between Iviewit and Real 3D, Inc. (“R3D”) a client of theirs, R3D owned 70% by Lockheed Martin, 20% by Silicon Graphics Inc., and 10% by Intel, later wholly acquired by Intel and a third party necessary with management to file an involuntary.

With new counsel relieving dirty counsel, those acting without authority, now replaced by counsel retained by the legitimate companies, Bernstein went back to Florida to pursue his rights. It is presumed that once Proskauer Rose to instantly get rid of the evidence of the fraudulent companies but first had a plan to get the stolen intellectual properties out.

Thus, when combined, the billing case that they thought nobody would ever discover was in court and bankruptcy, the companies could do the following:

(i) Proskauer Rose would sue fraudulent companies ABC which harbored the stolen patents with a large unpaid bill

(ii) this would make them the largest creditor and thus entitled in a bankruptcy to majority of the company and the stolen patents and

(iii) with Utley, RYJO and Reale instigating the bankruptcy they would be the remaining benefactors, it would all look clean to the Courts, almost invisible and they would walk off with the stolen assets. They never figured that Bernstein would be tipped off to this in the midst of the process”.

It was related that one of the counsel [Kenneth Rubenstein] “was so brazen that the Court was in his pocket, that he wrote [Judge] Jorge Labarga a sworn statement claiming he never heard of Eliot Bernstein, the Iviewit companies and was being harassed”.

Also related to the case was a declaration of a showing to Warner Brothers of entries with investor H. Wayne Huizenga, in regards to the Iviewit inventions and multiple billings.

The kicker in the last paragraph [on page 18] is the obvious dereliction of duty in regards to what passes for FBI Agents in the network [of the ol’ south Good Ole Boys] and compromised Office of the US Attorney with the Southern District of Florida, when it is written “one asks, why later those same crimes exposed in mass against the government to the West Palm Beach Office of the FBI, were not prosecuted when taken by the FBI to the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, along with all the other crimes they were apprised of and given evidence in support of and which they then led Iviewit to believe they were investigating until April 17, 2007”.

Page 20 holds a critical piece of information, which is “Another part of the immediate problem was that evidence surfaced of a deal between the fraudulent Iviewit companies and Enron’s Broadband Division, in the now infamous Enron/Blockbuster Deal which due to Enron’s booking of hundreds of millions of dollars ahead of earning it, on a new technology for broadband internet distribution of movies, based on technologies almost stolen from Iviewit which are the true cause of the collapse of Enron.

All evidence of this had to be destroyed by the law firms who had perpetrated the crimes and this may have been the cause of the massive shredding party”.

For a story about the “Specific Involvement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation -- West Palm Beach Office: January 2003 to March 2007”, scroll down to page 23.

The tale involves accusations regarding lawyers submitting false statements and falsified documents (including to a Court of Law), money made or laundered under the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements, conflicts of interest and appearances of impropriety that involved Public Office corruption cases before the Florida Supreme Court, denial of due process and procedure in the Civil Courts as the criminal lawyers legal and political power have been able to position [without disclosure] through conflict to avoid prosecution by infiltrating Public Offices where Complaints have been filed, the infiltration of the attorney discipline process [both in New York and Florida],

..the possibility that the [Democrat-controlled] Proskauer Rose law firm is controlling certain of the Florida Courts and Disciplinary Departments when the New York law firm has one small Office in Boca Raton, cases at the Boca Raton Police Department that were derailed [with the Officer disappearing without Notice],

...the possibility that the [Republican-controlled] Foley and Lardner Law Firm is controlling a certain tier of the Florida Courts and the Governor’s Office when the Wisconsin law firm had virtually no presence in Florida, a subterfuge of a deferral of a Department of Business and Professional Regulation Complaint that falls under another conflict due to the fact that Governor Charlie Crist had appointed [Iviewit’s former patent counsel] Foley and Lardner, special Office positions favorably given to lawyers like George Lemieux [a managing shareholder where the ringleader (Christopher Wheeler) worked in the Fort Lauderdale Office of the Gunster, Yoakley, & Stewart law firm].

The behavior of the President of The Florida Bar [Kelly Overstreet Johnson] who worked for the brother [James Wheeler] of the ringleader lawyer, the infiltration of federal investigations, an FBI Agent [Stephen Lucchesi] who acted as though the problem was one that was civil in nature without need for FBI involvement, Special Agent Joseph Sconzo’s denial that there was any file concerning Iviewit in the FBI’s [rented] West Palm Beach Office.

Special Agent in Charge John McVie’s denial of any history of Iviewit or Eliot Bernstein with any FBI investigation after years of investigation, a non-existent Securities and Exchange Commission investigation jointly run with the Boca Raton Police Department, denial of any oversight responsibilities pertaining to action taken by the FBI by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice [Glenn Fine],

.... the dismissal of a need for an audit when the Small Business Administration is the largest investor and shareholder through SBIC loans, the lack of oversight by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida, the lack of investigation by the Department of Justice into the Iraqi-style car bombing of the family vehicle belonging to Mr. Bernstein his wife and three children, possible terminations of US Attorneys for political reasons and retirements of Special Agents for political reasons,

... an admittance of no power or authority held by either the House Judiciary Committee or the Senate Judiciary Committee, harm to international relations through violations of international treatises, the failure of former Commissioner of Patents [John Doll] and his successor Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property [Jon W. Dudas] to follow the law, and possible influence wielded by Michael Grebe [the former Chairman of the Foley and Lardner law firm and former Chairman of the Republican National Committee who is currently under investigation for other violations]

The gist of the Complaint can be boiled down to the request contained on page 22, which is “With the revenues from the technologies converted to their pools and already generating profits in billions of dollars since invention, it would take either a continuous corruption of any legal or prosecutorial agency the complaints went or easier that with a Presidential top down denial of due process and procedure, through various Presidential appointments in key positions to block it top down.

We are asking the DOJ OIG to investigate for any possible connection to election fraud or payola to politicians capable of planting individuals to block Iviewit at each of these agencies”.

Moreover, on page 7 of a succeeding formal request to the Office of Internal Affairs for the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the inventor and President & Founder of Iviewit Technologies, Inc./Iviewit [Iviewit Holdings, Inc.], Eliot Bernstein, further concluded his ordeal and exasperation and concern for others, in his summation: “Please contact me immediately regarding these matters, as I fear for not only the life of my family but those who had volunteered to act as witnesses and others, that presumed they were doing so with the FBI investigating the matters.

I am in grave concern that the FBI has taken no actions to protect a citizen whose life has been threatened repeatedly, whose car has been blown up and confirmed as committed with intent by fire investigators.

A group of citizens who have followed all the rules of making complaints to all the proper authorities, to find that no one is protecting their rights to life, as well as, the rights guaranteed through the Constitution under Article I, Sec 8, Clause 8 pertaining to protection of inventors with the full weight of the Constitution, in the event of just such attempts to steal such inventions and murder inventors.

In fact, in a RICO case the FBI typically offers protection to witnesses against corruption from small or large mobsters when witnesses’ lives may be in danger.

Where a group of citizens have brought allegations of corruption that may yield a Patentgate, with attempted murders already occurring in the US and threats already effectuated against ones life, it is stunning that FBI officers who have been fully apprised of the matters and tendered evidence and witnesses against the accused, have not granted an iota of protection to those who are in danger, all indicating a top down control of the government and its regulatory agencies.

Control by those at the top to aid and abet those alleged to have committed such atrocities, through violation of public offices of these federal and state investigatory agencies. Most disturbing though is that it now appears that no one is protecting the United States and foreign nations from a group of criminals cloaked as lawyers, politicians and judicial members!”. ""

Posted Here
By Investigative Blogger

Crystal L. Cox

What Really Collapsed Enron? Well it was a Proskauer Rose Law Firm Scandal, a Foiled Patent Theft. Proskauer Rose Law Attorney Corruption has ruined countless lives, portfolios and has left an amazing path of Destruction.

Can Enron Victims Sue Proskauer Rose Law Firm for their Loss, Suffering and Hardship.. well if they had the TRUTH .. maybe? But wait.. Proskauer Rose controls US Courts, Judges, Attorney Ethics Committees .. so Nevermind...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

North Aurora, Illinois - Searched "Andrew Cuomo" and "Alton Maddox" - Mary Alice Miller Blog Comments

"Andrew Cuomo" and "Alton Maddox" searched in Google - Got a Tip? Email me at for Now I Will Post a bit here on this..

""While most people have happily ignored racist disbarred lawyer Alton Maddox for years, I now have learned from Room 8 that he still has some fans.

As a necessary corrective to some of the nonsense recently written about him here, here is what really happened as a result of Maddox’s role in the Brawley hoax.

More than two years after he was found to have defamed a former prosecutor in the Tawana Brawley case, Alton H. Maddox Jr. has finished paying off a $95,000 damage award against him.
The prosecutor, Steven A. Pagones, a former Dutchess County assistant district attorney, received a payment from Mr. Maddox of just over $39,000 on Monday, Karen Blaustein-Birchler, one of Mr. Pagones's lawyers, said yesterday. In 1998, a jury in Dutchess County decided that Mr. Maddox, the Rev. Al Sharpton, C. Vernon Mason and Ms. Brawley had defamed Mr. Pagones by wrongly accusing him of being one of a group of men who abducted and raped Ms. Brawley over several days in 1987.

Last year, Mr. Maddox vowed that he would fight to overturn the verdict in appellate courts and would not pay ''one red penny'' to Mr. Pagones, but the state's highest court later ruled that Mr. Maddox had failed to provide information necessary for an appeal. ""

Comments from the Above Site

"Alton Maddox

Submitted by Native Son (not verified) on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 6:45am.

Although Alton Maddox may be subject from time to time to fits of hyperbole, he is not a racist. He is a truth speaker who is not afraid to point out to all and sundry that the emperor is not wearing clothes. Alton Maddox consistantly points out what White folks don't want to hear. I'm not about to swear on a stack of bibles that Mr. Pagones was one of those who raped and humiliated Ms. Brawley, but a 15 year old girl does not put themselves in a plastic bag, smear feces over themselves and write racist epithets on themselves. I am convinced that Tawana Brawley told the truth, aand chose to quietly disengage herself from public view rather than subject herself to further humiliating public scrutiny.

Jury's have been proven to be wrong. Just like the truth came out years and prison terms served later that the Central Park Jogger was not raped by the boys accused.

Btw, OJ did not kill Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. Evidence was suppressed that Nicole owed drug dealers a significant amout of money for cocaine. I believe they were killed by either the Mexican or Columbian Mafia. When you owe a criminal organization that much money, they will kill you. "

"by Mary Alice Miller on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 2:49pm.

a few days ago. It is common knowledge within certain circles in the Black community. (I have no dog in this fight, nor am I anyone's fan. The story itself is compelling. I happened to follow it from the beginning.) The past couple of days, I have been attempting to obtain documentation to buttress certain aspects of the story. Please bear with me, it is convoluted, with myriad legalistic twists and turns.

In addition, I am asking you to remember the context: a 15 year old girl was raped and left unconscious in a garbage bag. The alleged perpetrators were men employed in various law enforcement positions. Steven Pagones, who you referenced in your rebuttal, was a Dutchess County assistant district attorney in 1987. His father was a city court judge and his uncle was a family court judge.

Now imagine if any of NYC's well-connected ADA's were accused of being involved in a situation like this. If innocent, all prosecutorial powers would be brought to bear. If guilty, those same prosecutorial powers could be employed to deflect blame. Who would expect anything less?

Here goes:

Pagones sued Maddox for defamation of character of a dead man, Harry Christ, who was also implicated in the incident. Christ, a Duchess County police officer, was said to have committed suicide 2 days after Tawana's description of her perpetrators pointed to him. An autopsy report suppressed for more than 10 years communicated that Christ was likely a homicide victim. The pathologist who actually conducted the autopsy was never called to testify at trial.

The judge was S. Barrett Hickman, who passed away in November 2007. Hickman instructed the jury that "truth is no defense." The jury award damages for defamation of Christ, a dead man, partly based on this instruction. The jury sheet said Maddox did not defame Pagones.

There were 4 counts against Maddox, one of which the jury decided that Maddox did defame Harry Christ. Maddox says the judgement was unlawful because 1) a dead man cannot sue for defamation, and 2) Pagones cannot sue for Harry Christ. Hickman agreed with the jury verdict which Maddox says violated the law.

Maddox refused to pay. After the verdict, Hickman took a trip to South Africa. Judge Tolbert was in charge of the post-verdict proceedings while Hickman was away. Tolbert oversaw a compromise that was sent back to Hickman. Maddox and Pagones agreed that the money would be put in escrow pending a hearing on the lawfulness of the judgement, something akin to a motion to set aside the verdict.

A hearing on the lawfulness of the verdict was to take place when Hichman came back. Hickman did not notify Maddox of his return. Instead, Hickman gave the escrow money to Pagones.

Maddox filed a formal complaint against Hickman for violating the escrow agreement. Hickman was supposed to hold a hearing before dispensing the money.

In the meantime, Hickman reached age 70, the legal age at which a judge is mandated to retire in NYS. Hickman filed an application for extention of his term another 6 years. His application, which is usually granted as a courtesy to jurists, was denied. Maddox says his complaint regarding Hickman's handling of the escrow account contributed to Hickman being compelled to step down from the bench.

Incidentally, Maddox says AG Andrew Cuomo could take up the issue of the lawfulness of the verdict and move to have the money returned to escrow.

Going back to your source, Yoda, as much as it pains me, I have to give the "paper of record" the benefit of the doubt. This time. A search within the paper's website found 9 pages of links to articles on the trial. Nothing about Hickman's mishandling of the escrow. The same thing happened with broader net wide searches.

Why? I called the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct. Their person in charge of public records told me state law prevents the release of complaint information, which is confidential. Regarding the Commission's decisions, if a judge is publicly sanctioned -- removed, censured, or admonished -- that information is released, and on their website. Some complaints and subsequent decisions are not made public. In Hickman's case, he was "not publicly sanctioned." which meant she "can't disclose if the judge was removed, censured or admonished." She could not tell me if a complaint was filed against Hickman, even though he is deceased. She did say a complaintant was welcome to request a copy of their original complaint, in writing and signed. The complaintant could also ask for a copy of the commission's decision, which could be provided as a courtesy.

Of course, I asked Maddox for his records. He could not immediately put his hands on the documents, for reasons I won't go into.

The reason the Black community knows about Hickman is that Maddox has been telling us what has been going on over the years. There may be one newspaper, now defunct, that more than likely covered the story better than the Times. That pre-internet paper, The City Sun, was popular in it's day. It should be archived somewhere. When I get a chance, I will check.

In addition, the Black community has a tradition of going to court and observing proceedings in particular cases. It is the American way. There are many who witnessed the whole thing, first hand.

Pagones' name will not go away partly because one of the members of the original Brawley Grand Jury gave an interview more than 20 years ago regarding what happened in that Grand Jury. That member of the jury said among other things, that they were struck by testimony that Pagones had stated that a girl was found in a garbage bag 2 hours before Tawana was found. This interview was videotaped and has been available all these years. I can get you a copy, if you like.

There are many who see the issue surrounding Maddox's license to practice law, and the current challenges to his home and office, as continuations of legal vindictiveness and abuse. More on Maddox's license at another time.

by Mary Alice Miller on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 3:52pm.
to violate the law.

As I wrote, there were many witnesses to the whole thing. Black people were present in court daily to witness the proceedings. I guess that doesn't count.

Like I said, when I get a chance I will look up City Sun archives. (The original City Sun was a Black newspaper owned by the late Andrew Cooper.)

BTW, if a propaganda machine does not cover a story, does that mean it did not happen?

Memo to Black folk: if you do not support your papers and journalists financially, consistently, and with a measure of sophistication, you cannot effectively compete in the marketplace of ideas. I have been deliberately avoiding writing on this topic, but sooner or later I will. And it won't be pretty.

"Submitted by Mary Alice Miller on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 5:30pm.

They covered the Tawana Brawley incident extensively, and published a 40 page special edition.

He will put it up this weekend. When it goes up, I will post a link here.

I don't expect that to be enough for you, but that's OK. I have experience dealing with recalcitrance, and don't get upset when people demonstrate they don't know, or resist new information. Especially when they have been indoctrinated with one-sided, limited, slanted points of view. "


Friday, March 19, 2010

"Will Judith Kaye Use Her Jimmy Choo Shoes to Run to the Nearest OAG Exit?" - Judith Kaye - Andrew Cuomo, Conflict of Interst. Cuomo Family Secrets.

"" Once upon a time, a prince named Andrew who would be king, prevailed upon his fairy godmother named Judith to wave her magic wand and make his problems miraculously disappear. . .

Ms. Kaye,

Since you now have an email address at the OAG, presumably with office space, staff, and expenses paid with tax dollars (courtesy of Andrew Cuomo), I will be resending the three emails I previously sent you at your private law office on 3/12/10 to your OAG email address.

As to your own lack of monetary compensation, the financial arrangement you made with Andrew Cuomo to work pro bono appears to be a generous offer to an uninformed public and a sleeping and non-inquisitive NY press.

I am not in either category. Therefore, I am insisting that you accept $1.00 from NYS funds--not a penny more or less--in payment for your services as independent counsel to the OAG. Informed individuals and lawyers know the legal significance of either offering or accepting state funds--even $1.00--in a situation rife with the possibility of potential criminal charges later being sought.

I would also request that you go on public record that you have accepted $1.00 as salary to serve as independent counsel. Andrew Cuomo's refusal to offer $1.00 from state funds and your refusal to accept $1.00 from state funds could be very telling re: what you knew before agreeing to be independent counsel and what Andrew Cuomo expects from you as independent counsel.

My instincts are hardly ever wrong.

Andrew Cuomo has already gone on public record claiming that his appointment of you as independent counsel was to insure the public of the integrity of the investigation. I believe otherwise--that he had an ulterior and improper motive for appointing you.

Andrew Cuomo is first and foremost a politician and politicians are infamous for granting favors now and collecting payment later. Andrew Cuomo's appointment of you can reasonably and legitimately be viewed as his collecting a delayed payment that was still owed to his father by you..

Governor Paterson has known for some time about the Cuomo family's dirty little secrets. He may be legally blind, but he's not dumb. Rest assured, he knew exactly what he was doing when he asked Andrew Cuomo to investigate any charges against him.

I would venture that he's not laying awake at night worrying whether there will be any criminal charges brought against him.

As to your own predicament and for your own consideration, I acknowledge that claims of appearance of impropriety/conflict of interest do not arise simply out of mere friendship. However, your relationship with the Cuomo family goes well beyond that standard, as even you should be willing to admit. To be blunt, your professional standing and social status is undeniably associated with Mario Cuomo.

Who would Andrew Cuomo be if his father wasn't Mario Cuomo?

Like most attorneys, he would most likely be toiling away in relative obscurity at some non-prestigious law firm or employed by some government agency in an equally obscure position--similar to the career path you possibly would have suffered except for the same Mario Cuomo.

Please don't take this last comment as a personal insult--it's just a recognition of reality, even for myself. There is always someone more intelligent, more capable, more insightful, more principled, more connected, etc. when it comes to filling any position.

Given the Cuomo family dirty little secrets, doesn't it seem strange to you that Andrew Cuomo would ask you to be independent counsel when there are thousands of NY lawyers with prosecutorial experience who have no indebtedness to the Cuomo family or connection to any of NY's hidden political scandals?

Doesn't instinctively knowing that Andrew Cuomo will very possibly expect you to remain silent about crimes and misconduct not connected to David Paterson but linked to the OAG and the NYSP cause you any angst?

Wouldn't any deliberate decision to look the other way be in violation of certain provisions of the Lawyer's Code of Professional Conduct? As a former chief judge for NYS who has written books on ethics, you very likely know this code forward and backward.

Additionally and perhaps irrelevant, you most likely are aware of Christine Anderson's lawsuit claiming that the disciplinary committee for the 1st department of the NY OCA whitewashed and covered up charges made against politically connected attorneys. If you recall, this suit was filed during the last years of your service as chief judge.

Furthermore, any future claim by you that you were only appointed to investigate the Booker matter and World Series tickets matter and, therefore, can ignore any damaging information re: your main benefactor, his son, and others would be subject to justifiable ridicule.

I would hope that you, as a former NYS chief judge, would hold yourself to the highest ethical standards possible and won't resort to "lawyer speak" in defense of your actions if ever questioned.

Andrew Cuomo, and not me, has placed you in a compromising position that should mandate your own withdrawal as independent counsel.

It would be naive to believe that attorneys representing various targets of your investigation who have already been sent the three emails you were sent would not want concessions for their clients or input into any of your findings in return for their own silence.

The fact that each side knows of the Cuomo family's dirty little secrets need not be verbalized, knowledge alone being sufficient enough to cast doubt on the credibility and integrity of any investigation.and its findings.

It would seem to me that there is only one available option if you wish to continue as independent counsel, i,e., to make a full and public disclosure of the compromising position Andrew Cuomo has chosen to put you in--something, I doubt, you would be willing to do.

In the event that you are not a true liberal like myself who can stand on principle, this insignificant nobody and ordinary US citizen would offer this advice: Use your Jimmy Choo high heels and presumed arthritic knees to run as fast as possible to the nearest OAG exit. Prince Andrew, who would be king, is not worthy enough for you to risk the potential damage to your own public reputation. ""

Sent in by A Reader

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies files SEC and FBI Complaint with Mary Schapiro, against Warner Bros., AOL Inc., Time Warner, Intel, SGI, and .

SEC Complaint Filed, is the SEC Listening .. It Does not sound like it. The SEC must be covering up for Favors owed, covering and protecting billionair tech companies and Above the Law Law Firms Like Foley and Lardner and Proskauer Rose.

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies files SEC & FBI Complaint with Mary Schapiro & Others against Warner Bros., AOL Inc., Time Warner, Intel, SGI, Lockheed Martin, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner.

"" March 14, 2010 --


Corp Management of Time Warner (NYSE: TWX), Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., AOL Inc. (NYSE: AOL), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), Silicon Graphics, Inc. (delisted NYSE: SGI) & successor Silicon Graphics International (NASDAQ: SGI), Sony Corporation (NYSE/ADR: SNE) , Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT), Ernst & Young Global Limited have known about the Trillion Dollar Iviewit Liabilities for years & allegedly have concealed the liabilities from Shareholders & in some instances reorganized to the detriment of Shareholders in alleged fraudulent transactions, which may lead to Shareholder Rescissory Rights & catastrophic damage to the companies as complained of to Fed Officials.FEB 12, 2010 CRIMINAL COMPLAINTThe SEC Complaint filed Feb 12, 2010,

“Iviewit & Eliot I. Bernstein Official Formal Complaint…against Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., AOL Inc. & Time Warner, regarding Trillion Dollar alleged Fraud on Shareholders; FASB No. 5 & other SEC accounting violations & violations of State, Federal & Int’l Laws; Rescissory Rights of Shareholders; Evidence & Important Info for the SEC regarding ongoing SEC Investigations of Bernard L. Madoff, Marc S. Dreier, Sir Robert Allen Stanford, Proskauer Rose, Galleon, Enron Broadband, Enron, Arthur Andersen & more”


SEC COMPLAINT INTEL, LOCKHEED MARTIN & SGIA SEC complaint also was filed by Iviewit against Intel, SGI & Lockheed & similar allegations were levied against these corps for Patent Theft, knowing infringement & Shareholder Fraud.

The March 29th 2009 SEC Complaint to Shapiro titled “Complaint Regarding Intel Corp & Possible Trillion Dollar Fraud on Intel Shareholders & Others”


Liabilities for the complained of companies centers on both knowing technology infringements & liabilities from failure to report the Fed RICO & ANTITRUST filed by Iviewit & now legally marked “RELATED” to the Whistleblower suit of Christine C. Anderson, a former staff attorney for the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division. Anderson gave riveting testimony of systemic corruption to the NY State Senate Judiciary & in sworn testimony in before Judge Shira Scheindlin of Whitewashing & Criminal Obstruction by Court Officials for “Favored Lawyers & Law Firms, the US Attorney in New York, the DA and Asst DA” or words to that effect. Anderson further fingered one of the “CLEANERS” of ATTORNEY MISCONDUCT COMPLAINTS at the NY Supreme Court as Naomi Goldstein.A “CLEANER” at the ETHICS department of NY responsible for attorney regulation in Manhattan & the WallStreet financial district, perhaps the reason the country is suffering from a lack of attorney regulation in the heart of the financial district that has led to lax or complicit regulators and prosecutors and a worldwide economic meltdown.

Anderson’s testimony

Bernstein testimony before the NY Senate Judiciary of systemic corruption that has blocked due process & procedure via corrupt infiltration of the NY Courts @

HOUSE OF CARD COLLAPSING ON NY CRIME SYNDICATE INSIDE NY COURTS, ETHICS DEPARTMENTS, PUBLIC OFFICES & REGULATORY AGENCIES BY CRIMINAL LAW FIRMS & LAWYERSThe House of Cards is Crumbling on Key Players in the Iviewit Scandal as the NY Corruption Scandal Elevates to Senior NY Political Figures including Cuomo & members of the NY Supreme Court & US Fed Courts in NY. Proskauer Rose.

Proskauer, mastermind of the bungled attempt to steal the Iviewit patents through Fraud on the US Patent Office & further bungled attempts to cover up the crimes in the NY Courts is under further scrutiny with Proskauer’s direct involvement in the Stanford Financial Ponzi & subsequent resignation of partner Thomas Sjoblom, a former SEC enforcement officer, allegedly found coaching Stanford employees on how to lie to SEC & FBI investigators at a Miami Airport Hanger preceding the arrest of Stanford & his employees.

Proskauer also sued in a Class Action suit for the entire 7 billion dollar Stanford losses & sued by an arrested Stanford employee. Proskauer has further direct ties to both the Madoff & Dreier Ponzis.NY Attorney General CuomoFollowing the illegal representation by the NY AG in the Iviewit RICO & ANTITRUST suit & Anderson’s Whistleblower suit under Spitzer as NY AG, the Cuomo Admin continues to represent illegally State Defendants in both cases left over by Spitzer (a named Defendant in the RICO and Antitrust).

As the Iviewit & Anderson claims are further investigated & litigated these present the largest liability to Cuomo’s run for any office as the largest scandal brewing in NY begins to unravel with his offices dead center.

Anderson’s filing

Iviewit filings of Illegal rep by Cuomo @

The US District CourtWith Anderson’s revelations in the US District Court & the Jury finding that her 1st Amendment Rights to Free Speech regarding Whistleblower Allegations had been violated, the whole case has been called into question & further questioned due to the ILLEGAL REPRESENTATION of the NY AG Cuomo’s office. Based on Cuomo’s illegal representation of State Officials, Anderson filed for an entirely new hearing based on the Cuomo’s mass conflicts. Iviewit alleges that NY AG Cuomo’s illegal representation of State Defendants, Officially & Personally, violates his office duties & obligations of honest services to NY, public office rules and violates state & federal laws, whereby the Conflicts of Interest act to block investigation of the State Defendants fingered by Whistleblower Anderson & in Iviewit’s suit, causing Obstruction of Justice through Fraud on the Court. Serious allegations for Cuomo who continues to illegally represent State Officials on public funds, while failing to investigate those same public officials, including former NY Chief Judge Judith Kaye.

Also of concern is if these massive liabilities have been reported to State Auditors by Cuomo?The US 2nd CircuitIn the US Second Circuit, Iviewit filed a “Motion to Compel” compelling that court to follow law, as with Anderson’s revelations exposing court members, that court has tried to ILLEGALLY Dismiss all the legally “related” cases to Anderson in attempts to bury them & keep the lids on the scandal that may lead them to exchange their legal robes for prison garb. Motion to Compel ""

"Addressed to:
SEC Chair Mary Shapiro
SEC IG, H. David Kotz
IG OF THE US DOJ, Glenn Fine
US AG, Eric Holder

Treasury IG, David Gouvaia
SBA IG, Peggy Gustafson & Daniel O’Rourke

Under Sec of Commerce for Intellectual Property & Dir of the USPTO, David Kappos
Deputy Under Sec of Commerce for Intellectual Property & Deputy Dir of the USPTO, Sharon Barner

US PRESIDENT, Hon President of the US, Barack H. Obama II
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Barry Meyer

Pres & COO: Alan Horn
EVP & CFO: Edward Romano
VP & Chief Patent Counsel: Wayne Smith
AOL, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Tim Armstrong
GC & EVP: Ira Parker
Counsel - Patent Lit, Prosecution & Licensing: Christopher Day
Exec Escalation Team: Jerry McKinley

Time Warner, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Jeffrey Bewkes
EVP & GC: Paul Cappuccio

Press Release for Immediate Release

J. Huntley Palmer Lead In House Attorney JP Morgan - Whistleblower Peter Sivere

J. Huntley Palmer was the lead in house attorney at JPM, JP Morgan when J. Huntley Palmer removed 8 people from Whistleblower Peter Sivere's team and replaced them with Davis Polk Team. Looks like he is on the short list for US Attorney in Philadelphia. Sources say his name was one of several submitted to the White House for consideration.

"" Posted on Thu, Jan. 7, 2010
Specter blamed for delay in Obama's
naming U.S. att'y

Philadelphia Daily News

By this date eight years ago, the then-new U.S. attorney in Philadelphia, Patrick Meehan, had been on the job almost four months, after being confirmed by the U.S. Senate in September 2001.

Now, almost a year into President Obama's term, there is not even a nominee for the post. And the appointment of a new U.S. attorney, which is considered a plum assignment, is not believed to be imminent, sources familiar with the process say.

Some blame the ambling pace on unusual political circumstances.

Traditionally, the state's senior senator of the president's party, in this case Sen. Bob Casey, makes a recommendation to the White House. However, when longtime Republican Sen. Arlen Specter switched parties last April and became a Democrat, that complicated the selection process, sources said.

Sources said that Casey and Specter could not agree on a single candidate to recommend to Obama, who makes the formal nomination.

An initial screening process last summer produced a list of 20 names for U.S. attorney here.
With Casey and Specter unable to settle on one, several names were jointly submitted to the White House last month, sources said.

A source with knowledge of the matter declined to say how many names were submitted or to identify them.

Among those thought to be on a short list, sources said, are Cheryl A. Krause, a partner at Dechert LLP; James J. Eisenhower, a partner at Schnader Harrison Segal and Lewis LLP; and J. Huntley Palmer of JP Morgan Chase & Co. All were once federal prosecutors here.
Krause, Eisenhower and Palmer declined to comment for this story.

Justice Department spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz would neither confirm nor deny whether the Justice Department had received any names from the White House or begun vetting any candidates.

Larry Smar, a spokesman for Casey, said, "As of right now, I don't have a sense of when a nomination will be made."

A spokeswoman for Specter declined to comment.

The U.S. attorney here - one of 93 in the country - brings criminal and civil actions on behalf of the federal government in the nine-county area of southeastern Pennsylvania.

The office has prosecuted a number of high-profile public-corruption cases in recent years, including that of former state Sen. Vince Fumo and former City Councilman Rick Mariano.
Former U.S. Attorney Meehan resigned his post in July 2008. The current U.S. attorney, Michael L. Levy, was named by the Justice Department on an interim basis last May to serve as U.S. attorney until Obama nominated a successor.

When the White House receives a senatorial recommendation, it is sent to the Justice Department for vetting.

Schwartz said the vetting process - which includes background checks and interviews by political and career officials - can typically take up to three months.
Once a finalist is determined, that person is interviewed by Attorney General Eric Holder, who makes a recommendation to Obama.

After Obama makes the formal nomination, it is sent to the Senate for confirmation.
And there's no certainty that a nominee - given the current partisan rancor in the Senate - will win timely confirmation.

Case in point: New Jersey's new U.S. attorney, Paul Fishman, was recommended to Obama last February and was nominated by the White House in May, but not confirmed by the Senate until Oct. 7.

According to the Web site Main Justice, an independent news organization that covers the Justice Department, 31 new U.S. attorneys have been confirmed by the Senate, 12 more have been nominated by Obama and another 23 names have been recommended by senators to Obama for U.S. attorney posts throughout the country.

None of those confirmed or nominated to date are holdovers from the Bush administration, although two Bush holdovers have been recommended to Oba-ma. ""


Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Judith Kaye Independent or being used by Cuomo to hide Cuomo family secrets?

""what Judith Kaye needs to hide and whom she needs to protect.

Andrew Cuomo's selection of Judith Kaye has been widely praised due to Ms. Kaye's alleged independence and integrity. In fact, Cuomo's selection of Kaye could possibly raise later ethical questions for Cuomo.

I, too, would appoint someone as an independent counsel who has an obvious and understandable indebtedness to Mario Cuomo for her own professional/judicial standing and social status if I needed to keep the Cuomos' long held knowledge of corruption in the OAG and Mario Cuomo's own protection of that corruption secret

One has to wonder if there could ever be any convictions in the Paterson matter when all any defense attorney would have to do is call either Mario or Andrew Cuomo as a witness and then easily destroy Mario and/or Andrew's own credibility? Is the OAG alleged investigation really being done in good faith?.

.... emails sent Ms. Kaye. As you read this first one, keep in mind recent polls showing Cuomo's own drop of 22% in favorability among blacks due to his involvement in the Paterson matter and then ponder what that drop would have been had Paterson remained a candidate for Governor and had the independence necessary to expose the scandals described below.""

Sent: Fri, March 12, 2010 2:07:37 AM
Subject: Cuomo's own secrets--Corruption in the OAG involving the NYSP

Ms. Kaye,

Andrew Cuomo's appointment of you as independent counsel to the OAG in the probe of David Paterson, the NYSP, and others does not entirely eliminate any conflict of interest/ appearance of impropriety on the part of Andrew Cuomo and the OAG. In fact, legitimate questions remain whether anyone connected with the OAG should even participate in your own alleged "independent" investigation.

Additionally, your own close relationship with the Cuomo family could give rise to appearances of impropriety on your part. The indebtedness you owe Mario Cuomo for your current professional standing/social status is both considerable and understandable.

Certainly, Andrew Cuomo had every reason to believe that I would contact you about NY's hidden political scandals once I learned about your appointment as independent counsel. These scandals involve the NYSP, corruption in the OAG under Robert Abrams, Mario Cuomo's protection of that corruption while Governor, and Andrew Cuomo's own refusal to follow the mandates of his current office. Other than Andrew Cuomo's appointment of Robert Abrams as special prosecutor, I doubt that he could have appointed anyone who could be perceived as more indebted to the Cuomo family than you. Perhaps that's why he chose you.

Enclosed in this email is the first of three emails I am sending you. This email and the two
emails that follow are lengthy so you may wish to print them out first. They were being circulated among select NY State Democrat Party officials and political operatives prior to Governor Paterson's recent decision not to seek a four-year term for governor. This circulation was designed to prevent Andrew Cuomo from entering the gubernatorial primary. Andrew Cuomo and his top deputies have already been sent the emails.

The three emails basically cover three separate areas --(1) NY's secret political scandals arising from the corruption in the OAG, (2) how the political arena was used to expose corruption in the OAG, and (3) how Andrew Cuomo's entry into the 2010 gubernatorial Democratic primary could have reopened old racial wounds because of his father's protection of former NYAG Robert Abrams during the Tawana Brawley matter. This third area/email also summarizes Andrew Cuomo's self-inflicted liabilities as a candidate for Governor and also quotes portions of certain relevant letters.

Since this third area/email was the most currently politically relevant, I am including it with this email. However, you may find the first email re: NY's hidden political scandals much more interesting since it details the political circumstances occurring at the the time Angel Diaz was found hanging in his jail cell and afterward. You, yourself, wrote the majority opinion affirming the right of a governor to supersede a district attorney in order to seek the death penalty. Perhaps you would have ruled differently if you had known of the enclosed.

Re: Andrew Cuomo:

Any attorney general in any state can hold his finger to the wind and determine what issues are important to voters and what issues will get him positive press coverage and high approval ratings. It would be hard to name one politically ambitious state attorney general who wouldn't go after child predators on the Internet, excessive bonuses paid to executives of bailed-out companies, and that old and dependable standby, Medicaid fraud.

An attorney general may even make a reputation as a reformer by prosecuting public corruption, concentrating efforts on abuses of pension funds while ignoring abuses of tort funds and operational funds.

Attorney generals also defend state employees and agencies when they are sued. It was the abuse of this constitutionally-mandated responsibility that first gave rise to NY's secret political scandals. Andrew Cuomo should not have spent a minute's time contemplating whether or not to recuse himself from investigating Governor Paterson and the NYSP. His recusal should have been immediate given his reasonable expectation that Paterson already knew about NY's hidden political scandals. Andrew Cuomo's defense that Paterson asked for the investigation is no legitimate excuse for going ahead with an investigation rife with all kinds of conflicts of interest on his part.

PS: As you read the enclosed, please keep in mind that the trial that exposed the corruption in the OAG involved an out-of-jurisdiction arrest by the NYSP who came to a private residence in the Town of Hamburg, NY to effect an illegal arrest meant for the personal benefit of the father of a NYSP trooper.

The Town of Hamburg police (who had jurisdiction) were never involved in the arrest and the NYSP never sought/received permission from the Hamburg Town Police to be involved. After being arrested in Hamburg by a NYSP trooper who was assigned to the Clarence NYSP barracks and who came from Clarence, NY to Hamburg at the behest of his father, the defendant was taken out of district to the NYSP barracks in Orchard Park, NY and was also arraigned out of district in Orchard Park.

The alleged arraignment took place in the back room of an Orchard Park magistrate with only the magistrate and a NYSP investigator present. The magistrate, knowing how much money the defendant had on her, set bail high enough so it couldn't be reached and signed commitment papers in that backroom before the defendant, having been denied a lawyer, appeared before him.

The defendant's first lawful arraignment was held in Hamburg, NY after being incarcerated at the Erie County Holding Center for two days. All criminal charges were later dismissed with a judicial apology from the Hamburg Court magistate.

The OAG had no qualms about defending the NYSP members, even committing felonies in its defense and the NYSP have a history of ignoring jurisdictional boundaries and doing favors for others--all with the blessing of Andrew Cuomo and his predecessors in the OAG..

Below is the email re: Andrew Cuomo's entry into the 2010 gubernatorial Democratic primary:.
One line in the Spin v Truth --Andrew Cuomo and the Myth of a Cuomo Dynasty section, page 5 of the 2nd email, requires further explanation:
"At the time of the (1992) Illinois primary, I had written to your father only once".

That one time couldn't be worse for establishing any future Cuomo Dynasty since this initial contact was during the racially charged and divisive Tawana Brawley matter.

Andrew Cuomo's entry into the primary for Governor could reopen old racial wounds and provide further racial polarization. Andrew Cuomo already has residual problems with some black voters due to his challenging Carl McCall in the 2002 NY State Democratic primary for governor. Now it's rumored he wants to challenge another prominent black for governor in the 2010 primary.

His racially insensitive and unapologetic "shuck and jive" comment during the last presidential primary campaign doesn't help either. His attempts to explain away his usage of this term was just more "jive talking" on his part.

What could prove to be especially damaging or even fatal to Andrew Cuomo's political ambitions is his father's own conduct during the Tawana Brawley matter since Governor Cuomo's conduct raises questions as to how far the apple falls from the tree--a legitimate concern for both black and white voters.

My first communication with Andrew's father occurred in late August 1988. At that time, Mario Cuomo received an extensive mailing sent certified mail from me criticizing his appointment of NYAG Robert Abrams as special prosecutor in the Tawana Brawley matter and the problems he faced with that appointment (due to what occurred during Rojicek v Cooley, Bell, and Buczkowski). At the time of Cuomo's receipt of the information, Brawley's black attorneys (Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason) were refusing to cooperate with Abrams and his Grand Jury and would not allow Tawana Brawley or her mother to testify before it. Among the myriad charges hurled at Abrams by Al Sharpton and the Brawley attorneys was the charge that white officials like Abrams automatically covered up crimes of white officials. They were demanding that Cuomo replace Abrams and appoint another special prosecutor instead.

What Mario Cuomo did not expect or need during the Tawana Brawley matter was to be informed of a federal civil rights trial involving truthful charges of sexual assault by a white NY State Police investigator. The trial of Rojicek V Cooley et. al., proved unequivocally that Abrams and his office not only covered up crimes by white officials but also committed crimes (felonies) in order to cover up.

In my August 27, 1988 letter to Mario Cuomo, I warned him "not to be lulled into a false sense of security by Abrams' disclaimer . . . that my case was not the only case lurching luridly in Abrams' background . . . and that he had a potential scandal in Abrams' administration".

On September 8, 1988 Cuomo's Director of Criminal Justice, John Poklemba would respond via letter to me:

"Governor Cuomo has asked that I acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 27, 1988, regarding your case. As you correctly noted in your letter, the Attorney General is a constitutionally elected officer and not subject to the direct control or supervision of the Governor. . . .Thank you for writing the Governor and sharing this matter with us."

John Poklemba was handling the Tawana Brawley matter for Governor Cuomo and had previously met with the Brawley forces who were demanding the removal of Abrams.

Mario Cuomo had a decision to make at that time--whether to act as a Governor or act as a politician. Instead of protecting his constituency of white, black and other racial origins, Cuomo protected his white Attorney General and the white lawyers involved in my trial.

He could have used Rojicek v Cooley, et al. to heal the racial divisions caused by the Brawley matter since my case came to his attention before the Brawley grand jury was disbanded (one month later) but he chose not to do so. He could have granted the Brawley request for another special prosecutor but he chose not to do so.

He could have gone public with Rojicek v Cooley, et al to reassure his constituents that he would not tolerate obstruction of justice by any attorney, black or white, but he chose not to do so. He could have appointed a special prosecutor to investigate corruption in Robert Abrams' office but he chose not to do so.

Instead, Governor Cuomo, too "tawana'd out" by the Brawley matter, entered into a conspiracy of silence with his white Attorney General not caring whether his constituents and others who use the courts in NY had fair trials when they were adversaries of Robert Abrams and his office. Both Cuomo and Abrams turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to already proved accusations against white attorneys.

Abrams, with Cuomo's apparent blessing, then proceeded to go after Brawley's black attorneys with a vengeance for violations of the professional conduct code for lawyers--violations that were far less egregious than the violations (both civil rights violations and violations of criminal statutes) committed by the white attorneys involved in Rojicek v Cooley, et al. Alton Maddox has had his law license suspended for over twenty years (a record) for refusing to appear before the Grievance Committee to answer questions related to his representation of Tawana Brawley. Mason was disbarred for refusing to answer questions regarding the Brawley matter and other alleged unrelated acts of professional misconduct.

Because of the disparate treatment given black and white attorneys by Cuomo and Abrams, voters can reasonably view both Cuomo and Abrams as racists. The ability to paint Cuomo and Abrams as racists is not only possible but even justified given today's racially sensitive political environment when even words such as "Negro dialect" leads to charges of racism when used innocently by an older white politician who grew up in an era where the word Negro was acceptable (and still is).

NY voters, whether logical or not, could legitimately view Andrew Cuomo's desire to defeat prominent black candidates and his prior usage of a racially insensitive term as proof of racial animus learned from his father, answering for themselves just how far the apple falls from the tree.

Parenthetically, NY voters could simply vote Andrew Cuomo out of any office if they learn what hypocrites and frauds the two Cuomos really are.

Relative to Paterson v Cuomo, it remains to be seen whether or not a black man, in a reversal of history, finally keeps a white boy in his place.

While I would love to see such a public reversal of history, I doubt Paterson will risk political suicide by going public re: Andrew Cuomo and the Cuomo legacy--not when he or his operatives can work quietly behind the scenes to keep Cuomo out. A quid pro quo arrangement such as a later lucrative appointment by a then Governor Andrew Cuomo could also be promised to both entice Paterson to drop out of the primary or as a reward for remaining silent about NY's hidden political scandals.

Paterson, as do others, also has the option of using black activists or others to destroy any Cuomo dynasty.

In the event Andrew Cuomo doesn't enter the primary, I would expect a statement from him similar to the one given by his father when he was forced to remove his name from consideration as a US Supreme Court Justice nominee, i.e. he loves being the peoples' lawyer, he's not finished with important NYAG business, ad nauseum.

Reporters attending any press conference where Cuomo announces his decision not to enter the primary race for governor could then take out their pens and stenographer pads and record Andrew Cuomo's spin for not entering the primary as fact. A few polite, perfunctory, and irrelevant questions may even be asked.

The only question reporters should ask is "Is there anything in your background or father's background that prevents you from entering a gubernatorial primary when a majority of state and national Democrats want you and polling numbers show you easily beating both Paterson and Lazio?"

With that question, reporters would actually witness a white boy "shucking and jiving" his way through a press conference--even if that press conference were being held in an Iowa or New Hampshire living room.

Cuomo's not entering or dropping out of the gubernatorial primary does present a problem for him with the state and national Democrat Party and President Obama since he, rather than Paterson, is viewed as the party's savior and not the liability he really is.

Politician and savior are incongruent occupations.

According to a newspaper article, Tawawa Brawley's mother and stepfather allegedly wrote letters to then Governor Spitzer and NYAG Andrew Cuomo asking that the Brawley matter be reopened. Irrespective of whether the Brawley matter was a hoax or not, Andrew Cuomo will never reopen up the matter since doing so could possibly result in damage to both his political career/ambitions as well as damage to his father's reputation/legacy.

Personally, I think Andrew Cuomo should view me as more of a threat than anyone connected to the Brawley matter. In a letter dated August 26, 1988 sent certified mail to Abrams (included in Cuomo's mailing), I wrote: "You may or may not be successful in denying me my lawful right to justice by riding on the coattails of the Brawley case. We both know, however, there will be other coattails to ride".

Never did I expect that same coattail would be available to ride years and years later.

Andrew Cuomo's rumored entry into the gubernatorial primary is one more coattail to ride.

I have no dog in the Democratic primary fight for governor unless Andrew Cuomo enters the ring. My dog remains in the NY Attorney General's office and is only let out on occasion to ride on coattails.

If I had been able to find one NYAG among the last five (Abrams, Koppel, Vacco, Spitzer, and Cuomo) who believes that fair courtroom trials are the cornerstone of a democracy, my dog could be laying contentedly in Illinois at my feet while my sister and I leisurely search the Internet for names of the last five Illinois Attorneys General. We can only recall the names of the last two.

Andrew Cuomo, despite numerous opportunities, has refused to send my dog home and I miss her.

Hopefully, NY voters won't miss the the character flaws (in addition to racial animus) demonstrated by Andrew Cuomo that prove that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to be NYAG let alone Governor of New York. To wit:

When Mario Cuomo delivered his 1984 keynote address at the National Democratic Convention, he spoke eloquently of a nation divided into two cities, one for the rich, powerful, and politically protected and one for the poor, powerless, and politically unprotected. When it came to a true test of his rhetoric, though, Governor Cuomo chose to live in the city of the rich, powerful, and politically protected.and left a powerless. but more principled victim who occupies the other city, to fight alone.

Andrew Cuomo has always resided in the same city as his father. Despite his rhetoric and public relations makeover, he is still the same Andrew Cuomo. Like his father, he also left a powerless, but more principled victim who occupies the other city, to fight alone.

While I don't know either Cuomo personally, both have been described by others who know them as petty, vindictive, mean-spirited, egotistical individuals who never let go of grudges. Such negative personality traits, combined with arrogance, leads to bad executive decisions, including ignoring the number one rule of politics: When a problem first comes to your attention, deal with it.

Andrew Cuomo received the same two lengthy emails you have received certified mail. Additionally, similar emails have been emailed to his executive secretary (Holly Levy) numerous times as well as to Mario Cuomo and Robert Abrams at their respective private law firms and top deputies of Andrew Cuomo in the OAG.

I have never been able to determine Andrew Cuomo's own OAG email address. According to Holly, Andrew Cuomo can't figure out how to print emails so all emails have to go to her for printing and delivery (although Cuomo brags about his hobby of tinkering with and fixing engines of classic automobiles).

Andrew Cuomo's liabilities are self-inflicted.

As NYAG, he allowed his arrogance to interfere with whatever intellect he has. As NYAG, Andrew Cuomo has refused to follow the law and the mandates of his office. As a government attorney paid with tax dollars, his first duty is to seek and insure justice regardless of whether an injustice occurred in either a civil case or criminal case and regardless of when that injustice occurred. This heightened obligation is due to the recognition that government can and often does abuse its power.

A victim who for years has stood on principle and who has refused to be the first one to motion a Court for redress does not negate any NYAG's responsibilities.

Evidently, game playing is another hobby of Andrew Cuomo's. He's not paid by taxpayers to play a waiting game. Any motion by Cuomo would have only required a simple, short statement requesting the District Court in Buffalo to set aside the judgment in Rojicek v Cooley, et al due to Fraud Upon the Court and in the interest of justice--a motion that would have automatically been granted. Rather than admitting to fraud and criminal acts that included bribery, he could have taken an even more ambiguous route, simply claiming that lawyer over-zealousness has resulted in an unreliable judgment.

I am persona non grata in Buffalo where federal magistrates laugh with lawyers over kitchen sinks and US attorneys slander and maliciously prosecute US citizens engaged in lawful protest--protest designed to protect the public, to expose corruption in the District Court and the NY Attorney General's Office, and to send a message to other victims that going to the US Attorney's office is a complete waste of time.

Furthermore, as Andrew Cuomo is well aware, I have been adamant about the OAG motioning for a new trial and not me and I have no intention of ever changing my position about this since it was the OAG that colluded with my attorney, committed the criminal acts, and paid the bribes. How much more clear could I be?

Both Mario Cuomo and I knew that in public corruption cases one always follows the money. Following the money in NY would lead to the comptroller's office--a fact acknowledged by Andrew Cuomo, himself, when he obtained a guilty plea from Ray Harding, former head of the NY Liberal Party, in October 2009.

Furthermore, Andrew Cuomo has not demonstrated loyalty to the NYS Democrat Party and his lack of loyalty should not be rewarded by the party. The true story of NY State's secret political scandals would have disappeared with settlement that included the mandatory disclaimer of any wrong doing and the obligatory agreement of confidentiality.

The NYS Democrat Party can thank Andrew Cuomo for keeping the story of NY's secret political scandals alive and in the political arena.

Politicians must laugh at the white NY establishment press. New York's version of Watergate was written by two sisters from Illinois, neither of whom have press credentials. We are capable of writing additional chapters with or without the help of NY's black press.

Perhaps Andrew Cuomo should consider breaking the sad news to his paramour, Sandra Lee, that she won't be bringing any of her great garnishes to the Governor's Mansion next year and for the three years following (unless,of course, she's visiting Governor Paterson).

On a more somber note, it should be noted that one of Mario Cuomo's daughters (Andrew Cuomo's sister) was allegedly sexually assaulted by a rapist who has never been caught. Both have dishonored her and other victims of sexual assault by their willingness to add years and years of continued victimization directed towards another sexual assault victim.

How proud she must be of her father and her brother. ""

Sent in by Reader..

Posted here by
Investigative Blogger

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Howard L. Shapiro - Counsel to the Inspector General. Dan Petrole - Peter Sivere Whistleblower Smackdown. Blatant Disregard.

SEC Investigators - OSHA Investigators - SEC OIG Report of Investigation - Industry Whistleblower - SEC Fraud and Failing the Public.

Howard L. Shapiro - Counsel to the Inspector General
Deputy Inspector General, Dan Petrole

Below is What Seems to Me Like a Whistleblower Smackdown, as the SEC Fails Over and Over to Protect Whistleblower, Consumers, Shareholders and Faild to Investigate Fraud. Is there No Accountability, Transparency or Rights on any Level?


In a message dated 2/17/2010 7:55:05 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Mr. Sivere:

The Deputy Inspector General, Dan Petrole, has asked me to respond to your recent e-mail to him, in which you state:

In light of the new public interest in this matter I would like for you to re-open this investigation. Please see the attached documentation from Mr. Heddell (signed by you on his behalf) and his reasoning for not re-opening this investigation.

Specifically, Mr. Heddell stated "our review of the SEC OIG Report of Investigation does not provide sufficient basis to revisit this determination."

Why didn't OSHA ever produce a final determination in this investigation? Did OSHA ever interview George Demos or speak directly with the SEC in regard to his allegations of me?

Upon review of the linked web pages (in your e-mail), it appears that the new public interest in this matter primarily relates to actions taken (or not taken) within the SEC, and does not provide a sufficient basis or justification for the DOL OIG to re-visit its previous determination regarding the opening of an investigation with respect to actions taken by OSHA employees.

Howard L. Shapiro
Counsel to the Inspector General "


From: []
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 6:10 AM
To: Shapiro, Howard - OIG
Cc: Petrole, Daniel - OIG
Subject: Re: Request to OIG

Dear Mr. Shapiro,

Nothing in the attached Memorandum of Understating between the SEC and DOL, entered into July 29, 2008 contain any restrictions on the DOL.

Has Mr. Petrole made any attempt to discuss this matter with the SEC OIG as outlined in the MOU? The fact that my confidential information was leaked during an OSHA investigation and the DOL OIG has no interest in investigating why OSHA investigators did not or will not investigate the leak is troubling.

At a minimum the OSHA investigators should have contacted the SEC investigators to compare "facts." The SEC OIG was concerned enough to investigate their own, why won't the DOL OIG do the same? What is the downside for DOL to produce a similar report as the SEC OIG did?

Thank You,
Peter ""


Message from Dan Petrole to Howard L. Shapiro

"In a message dated 3/4/2010 3:16:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:


I assume that you are monitoring these e-mails. I also realize that Mr. Sivere agreed to a settlement regarding his issue. Just want to make sure you are comfortable that nothing comes back to bite us.



"From: PSivere@aol.comTo: Petrole.Daniel@oig.dol.govCC: shapiro.howard@oig.dol.govSent: 3/11/2010 5:41:03 A.M. Eastern Standard TimeSubj: Re: Request to OIG

Mr. Petrole,

Leaving the settlement aside for a moment. Congress charges your agency with protecting the workers of this country. Specifically, it charges you to ensure that certain programs are administered and carried out without interference or political agendas.

Sadly, your comment below illustrates why the American people are fed up. You are in Washington to serve the people of this country. It's a sad state of affairs when the agency charged with protecting the workers of this country believe we are better protected when civil servants, like yourself, put politics before your actual mandate.

This is not a legal issue. This is a systematic breakdown of your agency and all you focus on is CYA. I purposely let your e-mail sit in my in box for the past week with the hopes of establishing some dialogue with you and your agency. Sadly, it did not happen.

Thank You,
Peter Sivere "
Posted here by
Investigative Blogger

Friday, March 12, 2010

Department of Justice, False Claims Act, Fraud Whistleblower, Whistleblower Blogs

Great Whistleblower Blog on Department of Justice Fraud, Oversight, Lack of Staff to Look into Fraud Alerts, Corrupt Judges, Above the Law Judicial Cronies and Lots More...

"" was created because in my opinion the False Claims Act and other remedies available to ordinary citizens to combat waste, fraud, special interests and abuse that is taking place in this country are a joke.

The Department of Justice takes less than 1% of the fraud cases presented to them due to lack of staff. If the case succeeds, the Department of Justice gets over 75% of the reward. It should be the other way around.

If the Department of Justice passes on the case i.e. it is so unconcerned with the defrauding of the American citizen, then the person who brought the fraud to the attention of society and risked his or her job, family, time and money to right the wrongs that the government created but refuses to fix should get 75% of the reward for their trouble.

I believe that the doctrine of sovereign immunity and qualified sovereign immunity is illegal, and that every judge who upholds the illegal doctrine of sovereign immunity be placed in jail for treason.

I also believe that any judge who interprets the 11th amendment as barring a person from suing the state in which he or she resides, be put in jail for treason and given remedial reading lessons because obviously the judge had trouble understanding the words the founders put in front of him or her.

Yes it is treason. Sovereign immunity is a doctrine based on English law that tried to make it into the Constitution 2x but was rejected by our founders both times. So the Judiciary did — illegally — what the founders refused to do which is to create a 2 tiered legal system where some people and entities are more equal than others.

In fact I don’t know why the Judiciary didn’t just rename America — Animal Farm. If you want a system that is just, then everyone must be subject to the same consequences for bad behavior.

The people who create the law in America have absolutely no right or authority to insulate themselves or other “special people” from the laws everyone is supposed to be subject to. America is a country by the people and for the people. I think our government and our judiciary would best remember that. ""

Folks Sites like this One are Part of the Solution... Check out the Link Below and Lend your support to this Amazing Whistleblower Exposing Corruption, Providing Solutions, Exposing Fraud, Exposing Corrupt Judges, Calling Out the Department of Justice for Not Doing their Job.. Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox says WOW.. I am Impressed... this Woman is Amazing and I Encourage you to read the site below and to FIND your Voice - Speak Up - Now is Time. NO law enforcement, Law Maker, Judge, Or Attorney Should Be Above the Law...

Click Here to Read this Amazing Whistleblower Report ....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Veteran Judge, Never a Prosecutor, Is Seen as Well Suited to Investigate the Governor - Judith S. Kaye - David A. Paterson - New York Courts

"" The new chief investigator who stepped into the spotlight in place of Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo on Thursday was a judge for a quarter century, not only in title but also in temperament.

Cuomo Hands Paterson Case to an Ex-Judge
(March 12, 2010)

Times Topic: Judith S. Kaye

That, say people who know the state’s retired chief judge, Judith S. Kaye, may be a strong enough résumé point to make up for a lack of prosecutorial experience as she takes over the politically volatile investigation of Gov. David A. Paterson and his administration. In a long legal career, she never worked as a prosecutor.

But her appointment could add to the investigation’s credibility, said George Bundy Smith, who served with Judge Kaye as a judge on the state’s Court of Appeals until he retired in 2006. “She will be objective, and that is the main thing you look for in an investigation like this,” Judge Smith said.

In a statement on Thursday, Judge Kaye thanked Mr. Cuomo for entrusting her “with these serious and important matters.”

“I promise,” Judge Kaye added, “that the public will have a full, fair and independent accounting of the facts.”

Former prosecutors said that though Judge Kaye lacked a track record of making prosecution decisions herself, her career on the state’s highest court and, before that, as a litigator in civil cases, provided her with many of the skills needed to navigate not only the management but also the political sensitivities of the investigation.

“Regardless of what decision she reaches, her decision will be respected because of who she is and what she brings to the table,” said Alan Vinegrad, a former United States attorney in Brooklyn.

Judge Kaye, 71, was first appointed to the court in 1983 by the current attorney general’s father, Gov. Mario M. Cuomo.

She became chief judge in 1993 and was widely praised when she retired as the longest-serving chief judge in 2008.

Mr. Paterson said at the time that she would “go down in history as one of the greatest chief judges this state has ever had.”

Benito Romano, a former United States attorney in Manhattan, said that Judge Kaye’s reputation as a careful judge might be exactly what was needed to calm political anxieties. “It should provide people who are concerned about the decision being driven by politics with great reassurance,” Mr. Romano said.

On the court, Judge Kaye was considered liberal on some issues, including gay marriage and the death penalty. But she often sided with the prosecution in criminal cases and sometimes said that her rulings defied simplistic labels.

With a domestic-violence case as one of the aspects of the inquiry, some lawyers noted her history of interest in that issue. In her role as the chief officer of the sprawling state court system, she made it plain that she had a special commitment to working on the problems of domestic-violence victims.

She created special domestic-violence courts to provide victims with social and other services, saying that the complex cases required an integrated approach that went beyond the letter of the law.

Before she was named to the bench, Judge Kaye was a prominent civil litigator and the first female partner at Olwine, Connelly, Chase, O’Donnell & Weyher, which was one of the city’s blue-chip law firms.

Since she retired from the court, she has been at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

While there, she headed an investigation into the State University at Binghamton’s athletic scandals that was critical of officials for compromising standards when the school moved into major college athletics. ""

Are You Kidding me, Judith Kaye Investigating anyone for anything is Riddled with Conflicts of Interest, Cronism, Favoritism, Political Ties, Political Favors and will certainly not be unbiased in any way what so ever in my opinion.

As I have been following the Iviewit Technologies Stolen Patent case and It seems to me that when Judith Kaye was Judge, the Criminal did as they pleased and that she allegedly covered up for Trillions of Dollars in Crimes that Proskauer Rose Law Firm was accused of, as in the Alleged Trillion Dollar Iviewit Technologies Stolen Patent.

Remember .. yes Judith Kaye is now a Widow, However, her then Husband was Stephen Kaye a Proskauer Rose Partner - and her whipping boy was Steven Krane.. big wig in New York Ethics and well THEY run New York along with the Connections at Proskauer Rose - which are connected to the Really Big Money and Political Ties and WELL - Judith S. Kaye will Certainly NOT Add ANY credibility to an investigation on ANYONE..

Who is George Bundy Smith... I mean Really.. he thinks Judith S. Kaye adds "Credibility" ARE YOU KIDDING... ???????????

I just see No Way that Judith Kaye adds ANY Credibility to this Investigation.. in My Opinion Judith Kaye .. Ex-Judges adds the Element of ... ok Whew not someone has my Back and I won't get into trouble.. Judge Judy will Hide my Ass and ALL will be Well...

didn't Judith S. Kaye Create that Athletic Scandal... or was some part of creating some smoke screen or diversion so the bad guy could get away.. hmmm.. I cannot keep up with the Alleged Corruption out of New York.. and where there is Alleged Corruption I cannot help but notice a Proskauer Rose Cronie Connection..

"greatest chief judge" "calm political anxieties"???? What a Crock !!!

other links for more information on Judith Kaye, Proskauer Rose and Iviewit Technologies..


posted here by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger...