Friday, August 27, 2010

Intel Has been EXPOSED to ALL the "Proper" Authorities for Over a Decade.

Intel Corp. and the Intel Cartel - Intel RICO Proof - Intel's Monopoly Tactics.. THIS is No Secret - It is Common Knowledge among those who are SUPPOSE to Protect Consumers, Investors, VICTIMS of Intel's Crimes.

It is Pretty Obvious to Me that the SEC, DOJ, FTC, USPTO, FBI and more "Officials" have been aware of Intel's Monopoly and well.. the Intel Mafai .. if there were Good Guys and Gals who Knew .. well I doubt that they Could Do ANYTHING about it as .. well a Wall of Corruption is Un-Stoppable or So it Seems.. however Now we have the Internet. . I Use their Intel Chip Cartel to EXPOSE them to YOU and let you know that YOUR being DUPED.. lied to.. cheated and well the FTC, SEC, DOJ, FBI .. well they ALL know.. and have for a LONG time..
As I was saying if there were those who wanted to tell you.. well htey feared Economic Terrorism.. Death Threats.. Family Threats.. and other Stuff.. that would Blow your Mind. .their Corruption Tactics are Sick.. and quite Tricky and utilize ALL branches of YOUR Judicial System.. Someone Can Be Bought Off .. Everywhere...

The Intel Network is extensive in terms of damage control and manipulating politicians, judges, SEC investigators.. and well pretty much everybody.. Do NOT Dare Cross Intel Nation !!!

I BELIEVE that Intel even controls the State Bar, Ethics Committees, Attorney Generals, Supreme Court Judges and Patent Officers at the USPTO...

And Well.. I Believe that movies like "the Jury" well .. I believe Intel buys Juries ALSO .. but hey what do I know .. I have NO Stocks.. I have no background in finance.. ALL I got .. is Well the Ability to READ and THINK for myself.. with that.. Well the Truth is Pretty Obvious..

It Seems there is A whole lot more trouble coming on all this as the next couple of months could be telling if teh FTC denies 9341 proposed consent proposal; in part at the very least. Or if SEC follows through. Or if DOJ follows through . . . or Senate or Congressional committees on commerce.

Will Intel every Admit their Flat out Fraud, Deceit, Negligence, or will Intel ever come clean on how they frame - set up those who write the TRUTH on Intel.. even if your Tax Dollars pay for that TRUTH ??

Defamation Lawsuits in the Billions Coming SOON to Intel Shareholders.. Proof is Soon to Role Out on Who at Intel Deliberately Ruined the Lives and Careers of Analysts and investigators that wrote TRUTH Reports on the Real CRIMES of Intel..

At that to the Trillions Intel Shareholders WILL Soon Pay over the Iviewit Stolen Technology and Bruce Sewell - Paul Otellini Knowing ALL along..

Add that to every state suing Intel for MONEY Back in Rebate and Bundling Scams.. and well a whole lot more.. and Well looks Like Intel Stock is About to be. .Worthless....

Oh JUST MY Opinion....

Funny when these Brave Men and Woman tell the Truth on Intel.. and Intel Bully's them.. Threatens them.. defames them.. WELL they demand justice.. THEY get a Good Lawyer.. RIGHT? Not.. as well Intel Controls the State Bar Right? the Judges Right? YOU get no Fair Trial when in Court with the Intel Mafia.

and Often Times well Intel and their Big Ol' Corrupt Check Book pays of YOUR attorney.. and well they even have been known to shut down the law firm and disappear.. so Paid off or ???

Intel Capital Corporation has even been known to bug the homes of these Investigators hired by your TAX Dollars.. Talk About Corrupt.. Talk about a War Zone.. all for Intel Corp. wanting to STOP you from getting a better product at a better price...

Oh and in Santa Clara County well Intel Nation Owns the Entire Judicial Branch.. IN MY OPINION.. and so Justice.. NOT even a Chance at That..

Intel Corp. in Santa Clara County SEEMS to Own the Superior Court Judges and well you have NO Rights. .the Truth is Absolutely Irrelevant and LAWS do NOT matter unless they cna be Enforced and When Up against the Intel Cartel - Well there is NO way to ENFORCE laws.. unless you want to be poor, tortured, harassed, or dead... oh Just in My Thinking and in my Opinion as well . .a Hick from the Stick.. WHO don't know much bout' this Here .. Intel - Technology Market Stuff...

Got a Tip on the Intel Mafia?
What has Intel Corp. Done to Silence YOU ?
Have you been Offered PAY for your VERDICT?

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