Monday, February 15, 2010

Summit 1031 Bankruptcy, Bend Bulletin Article By Andrew Moore - Kevin Padrick, Obsidian Finance Oregon Bankruptcy Courts

Is Andrew Moore of the Bend Bulletin an Investigative Reporter or does Andrew Moore answer to Kevin Padrick or other Big Money Players who stand to financially gain from Andrew Moore's Yammerings....

Andrew Moore - Bend Bulletin - Bend Oregon - On the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy

"" In response, Padrick said in an statement e-mailed to The Bulletin that his role as trustee “is that of a factual investigator and upon finding wrongful conduct that caused damage, the trustee's role and obligation are to pursue Umpqua Bank, the shareholders, and anyone else who wrongfully caused damage to Summit's clients. ” ""

So Kevin Padrick 's Role is to Pursue Himself ?

Because Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance in Oregon is the one causing the Damage, the Bankruptcy was Well under way, all the parts and pieces in place when Super Duper Bankruptcy Attorney Kevin Padrick, came in with the Help of Sussman Shank and literally STOLE this JOB.

Who is Investigating Kevin Padrick and how this all came to be?

It seems like no one because they are to busy looking for a fall guy in all this ....instead of STOPPING all Current Unethical, Illegal and Immoral Behavior and Getting the Real Estate Victim back their money NOW... without the HIT by Millions of Dollars in Wages for Harassing Whistleblowers, Emailing Statements, and creating daily smoke screens to justify OUTRAGEOUS attorney expenses, COST paid by the Exchangers who DID nothing Wrong but trust the IRS system of 1031 Exchanges as a way to Exchanges investments Tax Free..

Where is the IRS who convinces people that the 1031 Exchange is Safe YET does not provide that Safety or Regulation of the 1031 industry in ANY way, seemingly ???

Kevin Padrick Claims to be a factual investigator and that he is looking for wrongful conduct that caused damage... this is a Crock, Seriously Kevin Padrick needs a Real Factual Investigator, say the Department of Justice Watchdogs over this bankruptcy, to Actually Factually WATCH over Kevin Padrick.

Oh except for the FACT that Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance has Serious Conflicts or Interest with Steven Hedberg and others who are supposed to be watch dogging Kevin Padrick... SO They Won't Question Kevin Padrick, Bankruptcy Attorney - the Oregon Department of Justice Trustee only Provides more COVER for Kevin Padrick to do what ever is Best for Kevin Padrick.

Who is Looking Into Kevin Padrick, Oregon Attorney
of Obsidian Finance for Wrongful Conduct?

My guess is no one dares to for Kevin Padrick IS part of the Oregon Attorney Fraternity and seems to be protected by the courts and law enforcement at EVERY Level of the Oregon Justice System.

We all know what happens if you go
against the Oregon Attorney Fraternity?
So this Mysterious "anyone else" "who wrongfully caused damage to Summit's clients" that Kevin Padrick is supposedly LOOKING so Hard for as in his Alleged Statement sent to The Bulletin, Bend Bulletin -Andrew Moore in Bend Oregon.... well That Elusive Entity IS Kevin Padrick, Steven Hedberg, Sussman Shank, David Aman, Obsidian Finance, Tonkon Torp, the County Attorney in Bend Oregon, the US Department of Justice and all the Names and Players on this Blog... You Don't have to go to far to see who is REALLY damaging the Summit Clients.

But you do have to be able to Read and Think for yourself....

A "Statement" emailed to the Bulletin, are you kidding.. what kind of a Rinky Dink news source is the Bend Bulletin? Are there ANY Investigative Reporters at this News Source?

Can the Writers at the Bend Bulletin Read and think for Themselves or Does the Bend Bulletin just take "emailed Statements" and from there pick and choose what to post for whom, with total disregard of facts or who it hurts.... ???

The Bulletin, Bend Bulletin seems to be pulling out old news on the summit bankruptcy, mixing it with new emailed statements ( where Kevin Padrick is trying to make himself look like the Savior) and then jumbles up information and prints out gibberish ... that is really hard to make out .... or even come to any real conclusions from..

Imagine if Investigative Reporter, Investigative Blogger~ Crystal L. Cox - ME - took every eMailed statement and posted it as news for the World to see.. Many think I do this, however I soooo DO NOT. I Read articles, court cases, talk to victims, read documents and make up my own mind and post words directly from the source with a link to that source.

If Kevin Padrick, in his Multi-Million Dollar heist is emailing some Small Town Newspaper with is "Statement" and that is taken by some Old School Media Reporter like Andrew Moore of the Bulletin in Bend Oregon AS some sort of NEWS or Reputable source, well there is not much you can do about it.. that is like a bank robber caught on film Robbing a bank and then emailing a statement to Andrew Moore of the Bulletin in Bend Oregon and Saying, "I am investigating this Robbery and I am looking for those who committed wrongful conduct, I expect a lead soon" then Andrew Moore of the Bend Bulletin says ... yee Haw an Emailed Statement and puts it in print.. and there you have it.. FACT.

the Real News on the Summit 1031 Exchange is not being bought and paid for, it is out there and if you really dive into the TRUE and CORRECT details of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy Case you See that Kevin Padrick is not a "Good Guy" in all this, and Andrew Moore, of the Bend Bulletin in Bend Oregon NEEDS to do Some Good Ol' Fashion Reading.

Source of Irresponsible Quote and Kevin Padrick - Obsidian Finance Words of Wisdom at the Link below, as well as the Full Ranger Rick Article by Andrew Moore of the Bend Bulletin about this High Finance "Scheme".

More on the REAL News of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy, NOT bought and Paid for.... at and at

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

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