"" Two Faces As Cuomo Changes Pay To Play To Indirect Payment
"Follow the money" or "The best candidate that money can buy."
My friend, Joe, enlightened me decades earlier that for great service and a good table, the time to tip the maitre d' and then your waiter is when you first meet each. Does this apply elsewhere in New York?
Andrew Cuomo is the multi-faceted candidate, with a smiling face for everybody. Andrew Cuomo's face towards the People on his web site say Cuomo wants, "to eliminate pay to play campaign contributions."
Another face of Andrew Cuomo looks at his donation forms, where "contributors [are asked] to sign a statement saying they have no “matter” pending with him. That rule “does not extend to attorneys representing persons or entities with matters before the NYS Attorney General’s office.”
"Contributors to Cuomo include a who's who of law firms and their attorneys. In addition to Boies, Patterson Belknap, Paul Weiss, Sullivan & Cromwell, Skadden Arps, Kramer Levin, Mayer Brown and O'Melveny & Myers are named in the article as contributors or event sponsors."
The People have Cuomo's and his contributing attorneys' assurances that said attorneys would never give money, if they thought it would benefit themselves or their clients, "We do not think that the attorney general of New York would make it any easier for lawyers or cut any slack for their clients because of the lawyers’ prior campaign contributions,” said Arthur Culvahouse Jr., the law firm’s chair, who was counsel to President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.
“That was not our thinking in 2006 or now. Indeed, as officers of the court we would not contribute to a candidate if we thought that were the case.”
Cuomo wants to eliminate direct pay to play. The People are assured that no NY attorneys would ever act as cash conduits for their clients in an indirect pay to play scheme.
Check out the NY court and lawyer reality show to see our honest judges and lawyers in action. and for the 98,750 exceptions to court/lawyer honesty.
Andrew, a smiling face for everybody? There will be no indirect pay to play through attorneys? What will my measly single vote buy? ""
Source of Post
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Andrew Cuomo - Stop Protecting Corruption - Senator Espada has asked, why didn't Andrew Cuomo File criminal charges? Pedro Espada is Right.
"" Cuomo Announces His Success Against Espada At Liar's Club
“Our government teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." ~Louis D. Brandeis (Supreme Court Justice, 1856-1941)
News From Liar's Club House Journal, a.k.a. NY Times ("All the lies fitted into print") : Andrew Cuomo spoke at the Liar's Club, right after someone else said, "he was the biggest liar."
Then, Cuomo announced his magnificent civil suit against the uppity Senator Pedro Espada who finagled to become majority leader.Now, as not reported in the Liar's Club House Journal: Senator Espada has asked, why didn't Cuomo file criminal charges? Espada is right.
Cuomo's civil suit won't be resolved until after Cuomo hopes he's governor. And worse, the money which could have gone into the State Treasury from a successful NY RICO prosecution of Pedro Espada now cannot go toward NY's Budget needs. As described in prior posts here, Espada's alleged crime represents just 0.001% of the fraud (potential RICO money for the NY Treasury?) involved in federal TARP program's "assets."
The Federal TARP program, supposedly, was to remove those toxic mortgage assets from our financial system, which were generated from Cuomo's Actions as Federal HUD Secretary. But, those Toxic assets are still there. That federal TARP should be competing for the lie of the year 2008.
Meanwhile, while "Nero" Cuomo's NY State is burning from budget shortfalls, Cuomo worries that the plants at the Botanical Gardens could use more watering, er, sorry (lying is not my forte), Pedro Espada needs to face this civil suit.
Cuomo's action against Espada is either too little or too late, or a part of Cuomo's "mating" ritual display to become Governor.
Steve Levy, NY Governor Candidate , sniffed a stench and asked why Cuomo ignored all the other corrupt Senators and Assemblymen? And why does Cuomo ignore the $40 million dollar fraud involving the Chief Judge, Lippman, and Judge Ramos, when he and his staff's work has already done for them, because the witnesses and papers are already available for a Grand Jury and a Trial.
Please, Andrew "Gollum" Cuomo, your NY TARP (Toxic Attorneys and Reprobates Protector) covering up NY corruption may serve your needs to shakedown and protect corruption, but not doesn't serve ours. And Gollum Cuomo, if you want "The Ring," earn it. ""
Source of Post
Terence "Terry" Finnan
“Our government teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." ~Louis D. Brandeis (Supreme Court Justice, 1856-1941)
News From Liar's Club House Journal, a.k.a. NY Times ("All the lies fitted into print") : Andrew Cuomo spoke at the Liar's Club, right after someone else said, "he was the biggest liar."
Then, Cuomo announced his magnificent civil suit against the uppity Senator Pedro Espada who finagled to become majority leader.Now, as not reported in the Liar's Club House Journal: Senator Espada has asked, why didn't Cuomo file criminal charges? Espada is right.
Cuomo's civil suit won't be resolved until after Cuomo hopes he's governor. And worse, the money which could have gone into the State Treasury from a successful NY RICO prosecution of Pedro Espada now cannot go toward NY's Budget needs. As described in prior posts here, Espada's alleged crime represents just 0.001% of the fraud (potential RICO money for the NY Treasury?) involved in federal TARP program's "assets."
The Federal TARP program, supposedly, was to remove those toxic mortgage assets from our financial system, which were generated from Cuomo's Actions as Federal HUD Secretary. But, those Toxic assets are still there. That federal TARP should be competing for the lie of the year 2008.
Meanwhile, while "Nero" Cuomo's NY State is burning from budget shortfalls, Cuomo worries that the plants at the Botanical Gardens could use more watering, er, sorry (lying is not my forte), Pedro Espada needs to face this civil suit.
Cuomo's action against Espada is either too little or too late, or a part of Cuomo's "mating" ritual display to become Governor.
Steve Levy, NY Governor Candidate , sniffed a stench and asked why Cuomo ignored all the other corrupt Senators and Assemblymen? And why does Cuomo ignore the $40 million dollar fraud involving the Chief Judge, Lippman, and Judge Ramos, when he and his staff's work has already done for them, because the witnesses and papers are already available for a Grand Jury and a Trial.
Please, Andrew "Gollum" Cuomo, your NY TARP (Toxic Attorneys and Reprobates Protector) covering up NY corruption may serve your needs to shakedown and protect corruption, but not doesn't serve ours. And Gollum Cuomo, if you want "The Ring," earn it. ""
Source of Post
Terence "Terry" Finnan
Andrew Cuomo,
Pedro Espada,
T Finnan,
Terence Finnan
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc.
A Stunning New Development in the Trillion Dollar Iviewit Stolen Patent Case.
After a Decade of Warner Bros., Time Warner Inc. and AOL seemingly ignoring the Blatant Fraud and Shareholder Liability from violating non-compete agreements and basically disregarding Legally Binding agreements that put Shareholders Liable for Billions... well last week Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations emails Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies.
And it almost seemed like Warner Bros. was going to actually start "Risk Management" and to come clean with the Massive Shareholder Fraud that They have known about for a Decade... but wait.. then...
Ok well.. Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations emails Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies Says:
" Dear Mr. Bernstein,
This is to acknowledge that Time Warner Inc. received your email of March 17, 2010 sent to the Investor Relations email address.
In the event of furture correspondence regarding the subject of your email, we request that you contact Mr. Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer of Time Warner, with whom we understand you have already been in contact.
Lorie Coulombe
Executive Director
Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019
T: 212-484-8972 ""
After this Curtis Lu, Eliot Bernstein and Eliot's Attorney had a Talk..
It is My Understanding that Curtis Lu Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. has spoke with *Iviewit's Eliot Bernstein... apparently some Savvy, Smart Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros. Investors are calling Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. and asking about their risk with this Iviewit Thing..
and well you see though there are 1200 documents online and the Iviewit Patent was Stolen a Decade ago and is used on pretty much all TV's, Phones, Video Cameras, and much .. MUCH more.. well apparently Curtis Lu did not look into the Evidence, the Agreements, and though Curtil Lu is paid to assess Risk for shareholders and is a Compliance officer ... well Curtis Lu does not seem to know how to Google, to Read Documents and to do his homework in assessing the Billions in Risk to the Shareholders he is Paid to Protect...
So Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. thought he would save himself the time of researching contracts, reading blogs - documents and proof and instead he would just ask One Dumbass Question to Eliot Bernstein - Iviewit owner and one of the Iviewit Technologies Inventors....
Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. asked
"What is My Risk Here" ??????
Years of Stress, Family Threatened, Car Bombed.. and been through hell and some VP calls a decade later and asks... uh .. gee.. mr. bernstein.. uh what is my risk here.. duh..???
Wouldn't you agree that this move, increased the "Exposure" - the "Risk" for Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. ?
I mean for a decade Warner Bros. had managed to simply ignore their blatant non-disclosure of Massive Shareholder Fraud. In this they had seemed to dance around and to avoid legal issues, avoid SEC Complaints and Pretty much Commit Silent Fraud that had, well gone unnoticed by many - MANY shareholders... for nearly a decade...
And in one Dumb Ass Move Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. Publicly Displays, Admits the HUGE Error that Warner Bros. Made, admits that Warner Bros. had ignored it, asks Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies what the risk is for Time Warner Inc. - Warner Bros. and then after this opening of a Dialogue with Iviewit Technologies after nearly a decade ...
well Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. simply disappears.. after Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. has a detailed conversation with Eliot Bernstein of Iview Technologies and Fully grasps the Billions in Shareholder Liability and the MAJOR Fraud and Liability to insurance companies and bond holders for not disclosing this liability for a decade.. well then Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. Simply Does Nothing..
so Why did Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. initiate a half ass risk management conversation with Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies?
Well so that Curtis Lu could manage the Risk of the Shareholders being Concerned, Mad and all those pesky shareholder questions... you see apparently the Smart Literate Shareholders of Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros and AOL are VERY Concerned about the millions of dollars of risk and liability that they will have to encure when the Iviewit Financial Bomb drops and .. this will be retroactive..
another words this will be a massive mess and over the last decade.. the Shareholders are calling Curtis Lu and Complaining, they are worried about this Iviewit Thing and what it means to them and to their heirs... and well rightfully so as it is a VERY Big Deal..
The kind of Big Deal that the CEO Jeffrey Bewkes and the VP Curtis Lu can simply brush off and the kind of Big Deal that YOU and your Heirs will pay millions upon millions for..
Curtis Lu can now say... oh yes I have spoke with Mr. Bernstein of Iviewit and I have successful assessed the risk .. no worries Mr. and Mrs. Shareholder all is well..
Now of Course the Share holders have Brains, Can Read and Can think for themselves and easily see that one day all this will come to light as the Truth tends to do that... Jeffrey Bewkes CEO of Time Warner seems to be completely blind as to what is going here..
However the Email from Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations and the Conversation that Curtis Lu had with Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies and his attorney WELL that pretty much admits that Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros. knows of this massive fraud and always has... Shareholders need to be aware as you are the ones who will pay the price...
It Seems that Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. is soon to be attending a major Compliance Officer meeting.. this would be the perfect opportunity for Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. to get his Oh Shit Plan Ready... as NOW the Liability has doubled for the intent, the blatant fraud... and the major Shareholder Corruption has just been admitted to AGAIN...
Time Warner (NYSE:TWX)
SVP, Deputy CG, Chief Compliance Officer
Curtis Lu
Will Be Attending Compliance Week 2010
Check Out the List of People he will be around
I wonder if Curtis Lu - Time Warner will Tell any of this folks of the MAJOR Shareholder Fraud he is aware of and Deliberately Keeping from Shareholders?
Links to More on the Iviewit - Warner Bros., Time Warner Inc., Jeffrey Bewkes, Curtis Lu and AOL Connection.
SEC Complaint
iViewit Website
My Blog on the Iviewit Stolen Patent
David Colter Emails, John Caulkins Emails, Chuck Dages, and Alan Bell
Warner Bros. Posts on my Iviewit Blog
Links from Iviewit Web Page about Warner Bros.
Curtis Lu
After a Decade of Warner Bros., Time Warner Inc. and AOL seemingly ignoring the Blatant Fraud and Shareholder Liability from violating non-compete agreements and basically disregarding Legally Binding agreements that put Shareholders Liable for Billions... well last week Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations emails Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies.
And it almost seemed like Warner Bros. was going to actually start "Risk Management" and to come clean with the Massive Shareholder Fraud that They have known about for a Decade... but wait.. then...
Ok well.. Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations emails Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies Says:
" Dear Mr. Bernstein,
This is to acknowledge that Time Warner Inc. received your email of March 17, 2010 sent to the Investor Relations email address.
In the event of furture correspondence regarding the subject of your email, we request that you contact Mr. Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer of Time Warner, with whom we understand you have already been in contact.
Lorie Coulombe
Executive Director
Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019
T: 212-484-8972 ""
After this Curtis Lu, Eliot Bernstein and Eliot's Attorney had a Talk..
It is My Understanding that Curtis Lu Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. has spoke with *Iviewit's Eliot Bernstein... apparently some Savvy, Smart Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros. Investors are calling Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. and asking about their risk with this Iviewit Thing..
and well you see though there are 1200 documents online and the Iviewit Patent was Stolen a Decade ago and is used on pretty much all TV's, Phones, Video Cameras, and much .. MUCH more.. well apparently Curtis Lu did not look into the Evidence, the Agreements, and though Curtil Lu is paid to assess Risk for shareholders and is a Compliance officer ... well Curtis Lu does not seem to know how to Google, to Read Documents and to do his homework in assessing the Billions in Risk to the Shareholders he is Paid to Protect...
So Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. thought he would save himself the time of researching contracts, reading blogs - documents and proof and instead he would just ask One Dumbass Question to Eliot Bernstein - Iviewit owner and one of the Iviewit Technologies Inventors....
Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. asked
"What is My Risk Here" ??????
Years of Stress, Family Threatened, Car Bombed.. and been through hell and some VP calls a decade later and asks... uh .. gee.. mr. bernstein.. uh what is my risk here.. duh..???
Wouldn't you agree that this move, increased the "Exposure" - the "Risk" for Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. ?
I mean for a decade Warner Bros. had managed to simply ignore their blatant non-disclosure of Massive Shareholder Fraud. In this they had seemed to dance around and to avoid legal issues, avoid SEC Complaints and Pretty much Commit Silent Fraud that had, well gone unnoticed by many - MANY shareholders... for nearly a decade...
And in one Dumb Ass Move Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. Publicly Displays, Admits the HUGE Error that Warner Bros. Made, admits that Warner Bros. had ignored it, asks Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies what the risk is for Time Warner Inc. - Warner Bros. and then after this opening of a Dialogue with Iviewit Technologies after nearly a decade ...
well Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. simply disappears.. after Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. has a detailed conversation with Eliot Bernstein of Iview Technologies and Fully grasps the Billions in Shareholder Liability and the MAJOR Fraud and Liability to insurance companies and bond holders for not disclosing this liability for a decade.. well then Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. Simply Does Nothing..
so Why did Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. initiate a half ass risk management conversation with Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies?
Well so that Curtis Lu could manage the Risk of the Shareholders being Concerned, Mad and all those pesky shareholder questions... you see apparently the Smart Literate Shareholders of Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros and AOL are VERY Concerned about the millions of dollars of risk and liability that they will have to encure when the Iviewit Financial Bomb drops and .. this will be retroactive..
another words this will be a massive mess and over the last decade.. the Shareholders are calling Curtis Lu and Complaining, they are worried about this Iviewit Thing and what it means to them and to their heirs... and well rightfully so as it is a VERY Big Deal..
The kind of Big Deal that the CEO Jeffrey Bewkes and the VP Curtis Lu can simply brush off and the kind of Big Deal that YOU and your Heirs will pay millions upon millions for..
Curtis Lu can now say... oh yes I have spoke with Mr. Bernstein of Iviewit and I have successful assessed the risk .. no worries Mr. and Mrs. Shareholder all is well..
Now of Course the Share holders have Brains, Can Read and Can think for themselves and easily see that one day all this will come to light as the Truth tends to do that... Jeffrey Bewkes CEO of Time Warner seems to be completely blind as to what is going here..
However the Email from Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations and the Conversation that Curtis Lu had with Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies and his attorney WELL that pretty much admits that Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros. knows of this massive fraud and always has... Shareholders need to be aware as you are the ones who will pay the price...
It Seems that Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. is soon to be attending a major Compliance Officer meeting.. this would be the perfect opportunity for Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. to get his Oh Shit Plan Ready... as NOW the Liability has doubled for the intent, the blatant fraud... and the major Shareholder Corruption has just been admitted to AGAIN...
Time Warner (NYSE:TWX)
SVP, Deputy CG, Chief Compliance Officer
Curtis Lu
Will Be Attending Compliance Week 2010
Check Out the List of People he will be around
I wonder if Curtis Lu - Time Warner will Tell any of this folks of the MAJOR Shareholder Fraud he is aware of and Deliberately Keeping from Shareholders?
Links to More on the Iviewit - Warner Bros., Time Warner Inc., Jeffrey Bewkes, Curtis Lu and AOL Connection.
SEC Complaint
iViewit Website
My Blog on the Iviewit Stolen Patent
David Colter Emails, John Caulkins Emails, Chuck Dages, and Alan Bell
Warner Bros. Posts on my Iviewit Blog
Links from Iviewit Web Page about Warner Bros.
Curtis Lu
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
St. Charles Medical Center - Interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung
Stephanie DeYoung Oregon Bankruptcy Whistleblower Kidnapped
by those involved in the 40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy out of Bend Oregon.
Brian Stevens and Sharon Stevens of Bend Oregon got the Bend Police
to "Commit" Stephanie DeYoung - Illegally..
Judge - Michael C. Sullivan
DR. - Ben Elison
Listen to interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower .. she is STUCK in the St. Charles Medical Center in Bend Oregon for almost 30 days.. any day now they will move her to the Oregon State Mental Hospital, My Fear is that they will not let her live through this.. as Umpqua Bank - Summit 1031 - Judges - High Powered Attorneys and some Major corruption.. greed and secrets are at play here...
This mother of 3 young boys missed Easter with them, missed her sons 13th Birthday.. life and business ruined all because she knows to much about the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy...
Part One of Interview...
Part 2 of Interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie Studebaker DeYoung as she is LOCKED up in a Mental Institute ILLEGALLY in Bend Oregons' St. Charles Medical Center.
More on this Story at
posted her by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox
by those involved in the 40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy out of Bend Oregon.
Brian Stevens and Sharon Stevens of Bend Oregon got the Bend Police
to "Commit" Stephanie DeYoung - Illegally..
Judge - Michael C. Sullivan
DR. - Ben Elison
Listen to interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower .. she is STUCK in the St. Charles Medical Center in Bend Oregon for almost 30 days.. any day now they will move her to the Oregon State Mental Hospital, My Fear is that they will not let her live through this.. as Umpqua Bank - Summit 1031 - Judges - High Powered Attorneys and some Major corruption.. greed and secrets are at play here...
This mother of 3 young boys missed Easter with them, missed her sons 13th Birthday.. life and business ruined all because she knows to much about the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy...
Part One of Interview...
Part 2 of Interview with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie Studebaker DeYoung as she is LOCKED up in a Mental Institute ILLEGALLY in Bend Oregons' St. Charles Medical Center.
More on this Story at
posted her by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Durward Bruce Sewell - Bruce Sewell - D. Bruce Sewell - Bruce Sewell Apple STOLE Iviewit Technology While at Intel and took it to Apple.
Bruce Sewell is a Technology Thief.
I Believe that Bruce Sewell while at Intel Corp, Stole Technology that he then took to to Apple, this is the Iviewit Technology that is Currently on the Apple iPhone.
This Bruce Sewell Stolen Technology has made Billions for Intel and now for Apple. Bruce Sewell is Liable for Massive Shareholder Fraud that he FAILED to Disclose to Intel Corp shareholders that will now be a HUGE multi-billion dollar liability to Apple Shareholders as well...
More on this Stolen Patent - Stolen Technology Story at
Durward Bruce Sewell - Bruce Sewell - D. Bruce Sewell - Bruce Sewell Apple
I Believe that Bruce Sewell while at Intel Corp, Stole Technology that he then took to to Apple, this is the Iviewit Technology that is Currently on the Apple iPhone.
This Bruce Sewell Stolen Technology has made Billions for Intel and now for Apple. Bruce Sewell is Liable for Massive Shareholder Fraud that he FAILED to Disclose to Intel Corp shareholders that will now be a HUGE multi-billion dollar liability to Apple Shareholders as well...
More on this Stolen Patent - Stolen Technology Story at
Durward Bruce Sewell - Bruce Sewell - D. Bruce Sewell - Bruce Sewell Apple
Monday, April 12, 2010
Eliot Spitzer DiD not Resign Due to a Call Girl. Follow Andrew Cuomo and Eliot Spitzer's Money Trail.
"following Cuomo's role model, Spitzer, and Spitzer's money trail"
""Follow Cuomo's and Spitzer's Money Trails Pursuing "The Ring."
First, following Cuomo's role model, Spitzer, and Spitzer's money trail (Or How the People of NY lost big):
If you believe Eliot Spitzer resigned only because of a whore, please contact me for a three life or 99 year lease on a bridge. Spitzer funded his Governor's campaign with a shakedown that damaged NY finances.
Here's a quote from Great Britain on the election of Eliot Spitzer:
"Barring the most astonishing electoral upset in history, Eliot Spitzer will, by the time you read this, be governor-elect of New York.
History will come to view him as one of the most damaging figures in the history of the state. It is difficult to imagine that he will, as governor, do anything to counter the damage he has already done to American business, or even that he would wish to do so.
As governor, he will probably continue to make things much worse."
Read the whole article at http://www.quentinlangley.net/article.php?ex=-1&id=290
Was Spitzer worth his cost to the People of NY? Should Spitzer have become our first Jewish President?
NYT's Wake Up Call: Did Clinton resign because of Monica? Did Spitzer resign because his moral standing was eroded? Did Spitzer have a moral standard? Did Spitzer resign, because there was a more to hide, and he got a deal, he couldn't refuse from federal prosecutors? If federal prosecutors offered a deal, do the People have to accept it, also?
Second, following Cuomo's money trail:
Is Cuomo like Spitzer, a Gollum, obsessed with the "Ring," and becoming Governor and our first Italian president?
Do the People of NY benefit when Cuomo shakes down lawyers for his campaign treasury, instead of Spitzer shaking down Wall Street? Cuomo built a 16 million dollar campaign fund with payoffs by lawyers with cases against NY State.
In the end don't the payoffs made to Cuomo's treasury come at the expense of the People of NY whose interests were compromised? Was the salary paid by the People of NY insufficient for Cuomo' needs?
Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters" nor can the People's attorney.
Here is the applicable Disciplinary Rule copied from the NY State's Codes, Rules and Regulations:
DR 5-101 [1200.20] Conflicts of Interest - Lawyer's Own Interests.
A lawyer shall not accept or continue employment if the exercise of professional judgment on behalf of the client will be or reasonably may be affected by the lawyer’s own financial, business, property, or personal interests, unless a disinterested lawyer would believe that the representation of the client will not be adversely affected thereby and the client consents to the representation after full disclosure of the implications of the lawyer’s interest.
Questions in regard the blue text above for Andrew Cuomo:
1. Did you obtain the consent of the People after full disclosure of the implications before you took the money for your own personal campaign interests? Answer -NO.
2. A special prosecutor?
3. Is your defense, Spitzer did it first? ""
Source of Post
Posted here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox
""Follow Cuomo's and Spitzer's Money Trails Pursuing "The Ring."
First, following Cuomo's role model, Spitzer, and Spitzer's money trail (Or How the People of NY lost big):
If you believe Eliot Spitzer resigned only because of a whore, please contact me for a three life or 99 year lease on a bridge. Spitzer funded his Governor's campaign with a shakedown that damaged NY finances.
Here's a quote from Great Britain on the election of Eliot Spitzer:
"Barring the most astonishing electoral upset in history, Eliot Spitzer will, by the time you read this, be governor-elect of New York.
History will come to view him as one of the most damaging figures in the history of the state. It is difficult to imagine that he will, as governor, do anything to counter the damage he has already done to American business, or even that he would wish to do so.
As governor, he will probably continue to make things much worse."
Read the whole article at http://www.quentinlangley.net/article.php?ex=-1&id=290
Was Spitzer worth his cost to the People of NY? Should Spitzer have become our first Jewish President?
NYT's Wake Up Call: Did Clinton resign because of Monica? Did Spitzer resign because his moral standing was eroded? Did Spitzer have a moral standard? Did Spitzer resign, because there was a more to hide, and he got a deal, he couldn't refuse from federal prosecutors? If federal prosecutors offered a deal, do the People have to accept it, also?
Second, following Cuomo's money trail:
Is Cuomo like Spitzer, a Gollum, obsessed with the "Ring," and becoming Governor and our first Italian president?
Do the People of NY benefit when Cuomo shakes down lawyers for his campaign treasury, instead of Spitzer shaking down Wall Street? Cuomo built a 16 million dollar campaign fund with payoffs by lawyers with cases against NY State.
In the end don't the payoffs made to Cuomo's treasury come at the expense of the People of NY whose interests were compromised? Was the salary paid by the People of NY insufficient for Cuomo' needs?
Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters" nor can the People's attorney.
Here is the applicable Disciplinary Rule copied from the NY State's Codes, Rules and Regulations:
DR 5-101 [1200.20] Conflicts of Interest - Lawyer's Own Interests.
A lawyer shall not accept or continue employment if the exercise of professional judgment on behalf of the client will be or reasonably may be affected by the lawyer’s own financial, business, property, or personal interests, unless a disinterested lawyer would believe that the representation of the client will not be adversely affected thereby and the client consents to the representation after full disclosure of the implications of the lawyer’s interest.
Questions in regard the blue text above for Andrew Cuomo:
1. Did you obtain the consent of the People after full disclosure of the implications before you took the money for your own personal campaign interests? Answer -NO.
2. A special prosecutor?
3. Is your defense, Spitzer did it first? ""
Source of Post
Posted here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox
Andrew Cuomo Follows In Eliot Spitzer’s Footprints In Pursuit of “The Ring” and Governorship Ignoring The Law And Rules.
"Andrew Cuomo Follows In Eliot Spitzer’s Footprints In Pursuit of “The Ring” and Governorship Ignoring The Law And Rules To Amass A 16 Million Dollar Treasury.
Can Andrew Cuomo follow Eliot Spitzer’s example pursuing the Governorship and fund his campaign treasury with payments from opposing attorneys with actions against NY State?.
Terence Finnan reports on his blog CuomoTARP.blogspot.com , that one can follow Cuomo’s and Spitzer’s Money Trails pursuing for themselves “The Ring,” specifically the Governorship and, ultimately, the Presidency. Mr. Finnan reports of the joy in London over Spitzer’s role in taking money out of the NY Financial Markets, ” History will come to view him (Spitzer) as one of the most damaging figures in the history of the state. It is difficult to imagine that he will, as governor, do anything to counter the damage he has already done to American business, or even that he would wish to do so. ”Mr. Finnan asks, “Is Cuomo like Spitzer, a Gollum, obsessed with the ‘Ring,’ and becoming Governor and our first Italian president?” Mr. Finnan further asks, ” Do the People of NY benefit when Cuomo shakes down lawyers for his campaign treasury, instead of Spitzer shaking down Wall Street? What benefit to the People of NY accrues when Cuomo builds a 16 million dollar campaign fund with payoffs by lawyers with cases against NY State. In the end, weren’t the payoffs made to Cuomo’s treasury only passed on as an expense of the People of NY whose interests were compromised?”Following the advice in Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters,” Mr. Finnan asks whether Andrew Cuomo can serve as the People’s attorney and at the same time collect payments from opposing lawyers?Mr. Finnan quotes the applicable Disciplinary Rule DR 5-101 [1200.20] concerning “Conflicts of Interest” and asks whether Andrew Cuomo obtained permission from the People of NY to take money from opposing attorneys?Finally, Mr. Finnan asks three questions of Andrew Cuomo:1. Did you obtain the consent of the People after full disclosure of the implications before you took the money for your own personal campaign interests?2. A special prosecutor?3. Is your defense, Spitzer did it first?
Earlier posts had asked Andrew Cuomo to support making “Official Misconduct” a felony, instead of a misdemeanor and presented criminal complaints to facilitate Andrew Cuomo to prosecute several State Judges and Senators for criminal conduct..
For more information:Keywords: Andrew Cuomo,Eliot Spitzer,Cuomo Corruption
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, christine c. anderson, eliot bernstein, Eliot Spitzer, eric holder, First Department, first department disciplinary, JUDITH KAYE, mario cuomo, ny senate judiciary committee, proskauer, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, thomas cahill ""
Source of Post
Can Andrew Cuomo follow Eliot Spitzer’s example pursuing the Governorship and fund his campaign treasury with payments from opposing attorneys with actions against NY State?.
Terence Finnan reports on his blog CuomoTARP.blogspot.com , that one can follow Cuomo’s and Spitzer’s Money Trails pursuing for themselves “The Ring,” specifically the Governorship and, ultimately, the Presidency. Mr. Finnan reports of the joy in London over Spitzer’s role in taking money out of the NY Financial Markets, ” History will come to view him (Spitzer) as one of the most damaging figures in the history of the state. It is difficult to imagine that he will, as governor, do anything to counter the damage he has already done to American business, or even that he would wish to do so. ”Mr. Finnan asks, “Is Cuomo like Spitzer, a Gollum, obsessed with the ‘Ring,’ and becoming Governor and our first Italian president?” Mr. Finnan further asks, ” Do the People of NY benefit when Cuomo shakes down lawyers for his campaign treasury, instead of Spitzer shaking down Wall Street? What benefit to the People of NY accrues when Cuomo builds a 16 million dollar campaign fund with payoffs by lawyers with cases against NY State. In the end, weren’t the payoffs made to Cuomo’s treasury only passed on as an expense of the People of NY whose interests were compromised?”Following the advice in Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters,” Mr. Finnan asks whether Andrew Cuomo can serve as the People’s attorney and at the same time collect payments from opposing lawyers?Mr. Finnan quotes the applicable Disciplinary Rule DR 5-101 [1200.20] concerning “Conflicts of Interest” and asks whether Andrew Cuomo obtained permission from the People of NY to take money from opposing attorneys?Finally, Mr. Finnan asks three questions of Andrew Cuomo:1. Did you obtain the consent of the People after full disclosure of the implications before you took the money for your own personal campaign interests?2. A special prosecutor?3. Is your defense, Spitzer did it first?
Earlier posts had asked Andrew Cuomo to support making “Official Misconduct” a felony, instead of a misdemeanor and presented criminal complaints to facilitate Andrew Cuomo to prosecute several State Judges and Senators for criminal conduct..
For more information:Keywords: Andrew Cuomo,Eliot Spitzer,Cuomo Corruption
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, christine c. anderson, eliot bernstein, Eliot Spitzer, eric holder, First Department, first department disciplinary, JUDITH KAYE, mario cuomo, ny senate judiciary committee, proskauer, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, thomas cahill ""
Source of Post
Friday, April 9, 2010
New York OCFS denied thousands accused of child abuse the chance to clear their name
"" By John O’Brien / The Post-Standard
March 22, 2010, 6:00AM
Syracuse, NY – The State Office of Children and Family Services in 2004 had a backlog of requests for hearings from people accused of mistreating children.
Three women had recently sued the agency over the delays that were costing them jobs working with kids because they couldn’t get their names cleared.
The agency had a solution to the thousands of pending written requests that would come under scrutiny by the lawsuit, according to sworn testimony from state workers: Shred.
For a month in 2004, the workers were under orders to take carts of the requests for name-clearing hearings and shred them after hours in their Albany offices, according to the testimony. They shredded about a thousand a day for a month, one OCFS worker testified.
The revelation came in a proposed settlement of a class-action lawsuit last month that could affect 25,000 people across the state who are listed in a statewide database as reported child abusers. Under the settlement, anyone who requested a hearing on child abuse or maltreatment charges but never got it regained the right to the hearing.
Employers such as day care centers check the database to see if a job applicant was ever accused of child abuse. Those accused could request a hearing with OCFS to clear their names. More than half of those challenges result in the accused person being cleared, according to Thomas Hoffman, a lawyer for the three women who sued the state over the lengthy delays.
Those women claimed they lost opportunities for jobs working with children because the state took up to two years to give them a name-clearing hearing. By then, the potential employer had filled the job opening.
Four years after the suit was filed, a whistleblower who works for OCFS called Hoffman, he said.
She told him how the agency was getting rid of the written requests for hearings, then marking the case “waived” or “withdrawn” on the database, court papers said.
The state never told the accused. To the inquiring employer, it would appear that the person had given up on their request for a hearing, and the child abuse accusation stood.
The backlog of hearing requests was much longer than two years — some requests had been sitting around for seven years, court papers said.
The whistleblower came forward in February 2009.
Hoffman then took testimony of 18 or 19 OCFS workers about the handling of the requests for hearings, he said.
In some cases, workers called the prospective employers with whom the accused person had applied for a job, according to the workers’ testimony.
If the employer was no longer interested, the state workers were told to mark the file “waived,” according to the testimony of six OCFS workers.
The accused person was never notified in those cases.
The written requests were shredded or thrown in the garbage,
at least three of the workers testified.
If the whistleblower hadn’t come forward about the shredded cases, Hoffman would never have known the extent of the backlog, he said.
Cathy Dufty, a clerical worker in the office, testified that Supervisor David Peters ordered her to gather a bunch of temp workers and start shredding.
“I would go down to his office about 3:30 and I would take the cart back, and it would be, ‘These are to be shredded, and these over here are to be refiled,’” Dufty testified last year.
Peters was then the director of the statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment.
He has since retired. In his deposition for the lawsuit, Peters denied that his agency did anything improper, Hoffman said. Peters could not be reached for comment.
The assistant state attorney general who represented the state in the lawsuit, Robert Kraft, refused to comment.
A spokeswoman for OCFS, Pat Cantiello, said no one from the agency could comment because the settlement has not yet been approved by a federal judge.
The whistleblower, who still works for OCFS, also would not comment.
Under the proposed settlement, the state would have to send notices to the 25,000 people on the central register whose requests for hearings were ignored between 2003 and 2007.
U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin will hold a hearing in April in Manhattan, then decide whether to approve the settlement.
As part of the settlement, the state agreed to stop the practice of calling potential employers to see if they still wanted to hire the person accused of child abuse.
The state agreed that the accused person has a right to a hearing whether the employer is interested or not, Hoffman said.
The settlement only applies to people who requested a hearing and never got one. It doesn’t affect anyone who never requested a hearing or who withdrew his or her hearing request.
Once the settlement is approved, Hoffman will submit a bill for legal services to the court. The state will pay those costs, but will not pay damages under the proposed settlement.
Anyone who might be affected should check Hoffman’s Web site on the case: www.RegistryClassAction.com .
The state gets about 350,000 inquiries a year from prospective employers, including child care centers, foster care agencies, juvenile detention centers and other employers who work with children. The register is accessible only to employers who are required to check a job applicant’s background.
"The employer doesn’t know why you’re on the list,” Hoffman said.
“You could be a pedophile or it could be something benign.” """
Full Document and Source
March 22, 2010, 6:00AM
Syracuse, NY – The State Office of Children and Family Services in 2004 had a backlog of requests for hearings from people accused of mistreating children.
Three women had recently sued the agency over the delays that were costing them jobs working with kids because they couldn’t get their names cleared.
The agency had a solution to the thousands of pending written requests that would come under scrutiny by the lawsuit, according to sworn testimony from state workers: Shred.
For a month in 2004, the workers were under orders to take carts of the requests for name-clearing hearings and shred them after hours in their Albany offices, according to the testimony. They shredded about a thousand a day for a month, one OCFS worker testified.
The revelation came in a proposed settlement of a class-action lawsuit last month that could affect 25,000 people across the state who are listed in a statewide database as reported child abusers. Under the settlement, anyone who requested a hearing on child abuse or maltreatment charges but never got it regained the right to the hearing.
Employers such as day care centers check the database to see if a job applicant was ever accused of child abuse. Those accused could request a hearing with OCFS to clear their names. More than half of those challenges result in the accused person being cleared, according to Thomas Hoffman, a lawyer for the three women who sued the state over the lengthy delays.
Those women claimed they lost opportunities for jobs working with children because the state took up to two years to give them a name-clearing hearing. By then, the potential employer had filled the job opening.
Four years after the suit was filed, a whistleblower who works for OCFS called Hoffman, he said.
She told him how the agency was getting rid of the written requests for hearings, then marking the case “waived” or “withdrawn” on the database, court papers said.
The state never told the accused. To the inquiring employer, it would appear that the person had given up on their request for a hearing, and the child abuse accusation stood.
The backlog of hearing requests was much longer than two years — some requests had been sitting around for seven years, court papers said.
The whistleblower came forward in February 2009.
Hoffman then took testimony of 18 or 19 OCFS workers about the handling of the requests for hearings, he said.
In some cases, workers called the prospective employers with whom the accused person had applied for a job, according to the workers’ testimony.
If the employer was no longer interested, the state workers were told to mark the file “waived,” according to the testimony of six OCFS workers.
The accused person was never notified in those cases.
The written requests were shredded or thrown in the garbage,
at least three of the workers testified.
If the whistleblower hadn’t come forward about the shredded cases, Hoffman would never have known the extent of the backlog, he said.
Cathy Dufty, a clerical worker in the office, testified that Supervisor David Peters ordered her to gather a bunch of temp workers and start shredding.
“I would go down to his office about 3:30 and I would take the cart back, and it would be, ‘These are to be shredded, and these over here are to be refiled,’” Dufty testified last year.
Peters was then the director of the statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment.
He has since retired. In his deposition for the lawsuit, Peters denied that his agency did anything improper, Hoffman said. Peters could not be reached for comment.
The assistant state attorney general who represented the state in the lawsuit, Robert Kraft, refused to comment.
A spokeswoman for OCFS, Pat Cantiello, said no one from the agency could comment because the settlement has not yet been approved by a federal judge.
The whistleblower, who still works for OCFS, also would not comment.
Under the proposed settlement, the state would have to send notices to the 25,000 people on the central register whose requests for hearings were ignored between 2003 and 2007.
U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin will hold a hearing in April in Manhattan, then decide whether to approve the settlement.
As part of the settlement, the state agreed to stop the practice of calling potential employers to see if they still wanted to hire the person accused of child abuse.
The state agreed that the accused person has a right to a hearing whether the employer is interested or not, Hoffman said.
The settlement only applies to people who requested a hearing and never got one. It doesn’t affect anyone who never requested a hearing or who withdrew his or her hearing request.
Once the settlement is approved, Hoffman will submit a bill for legal services to the court. The state will pay those costs, but will not pay damages under the proposed settlement.
Anyone who might be affected should check Hoffman’s Web site on the case: www.RegistryClassAction.com .
The state gets about 350,000 inquiries a year from prospective employers, including child care centers, foster care agencies, juvenile detention centers and other employers who work with children. The register is accessible only to employers who are required to check a job applicant’s background.
"The employer doesn’t know why you’re on the list,” Hoffman said.
“You could be a pedophile or it could be something benign.” """
Full Document and Source
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Jame E. Pelzer - Second Department - New York Reported to Be Issuing Unethical and UnLawful Suspensions on Lawful Ethical New York Attorneys
In the Matter of Ruth M. Pollack - James Edward Pelzer
Sources say that Ruth M. Pollack was Illegally and Unethical Suspended as a New York Attorney, her Civil Rights have been violated and sources say that she is not taking it laying down.
So the question .... is James Pelzer - Clerk of Court handing out Attorney Suspensions for Political Favors, Pay Offs, OR are they actually based in Law, Truth and What Really Happened?
Does James Edward Pelzer have to Prove that an Attorney actually committed a crime or did something unlawful or does James E. Pelzer just hand out suspensions like candy...???
See in New York.. My Whistleblower Network talks about an incredible, historic Wall of Corruption.. it is said that Attorneys all know each other and they are above the Law. So the Big Law Firms are protected to committ Billion Dollar Crimes and no one seems to have the Moxy to hold them accountable for anything...
I am seeing in Court Corruption across the United States in Big and Small Courts, that the Law is irrelevant and that the Truth is No Defense. However, the law is forced, faked, staged to set up those who know to much, or speak out against corruption or injustice.. it happens the same in small towns and the biggest of cities... the Game is the Same... easily set up the "Good Guy" for a Text Message, a Faked Incident.. and well you would be shocked.. this to run them out of business and bring the Ol' Economic Terrorism, take their livelihood - take their credibility and ruin their life all to protect some unethical behavior that some Well Connected Attorney or Politician has done... it is Wrong Folks.. Flat out Wrong..
Those of you Who Follow My Blogs.. know that .. it is simple.. the Truth is Criminal.. and the courts, the clerks and corrupt attorneys will make sure you go down for it.. that simple.. I have now seen it over and over again..
Below is a Suspension Letter to New York Attorney Ruth M. Pollack, I found it online.. it is My Opinion that this Letter from James E. Pelzer is Illegal, Not Based in Fact, Not Based in Truth, Not Based in Law and that this Letter is a Civil Violation of Ruth Pollack's Rights.
Stay Tuned to Our Blog Network for More on the Ruth M. Pollack Story, as we uncover More TRUTH out of the Second Departmet - www.SecondDepartment.com
Got a Tip
Email Me at
"" In the Matter of Ruth M. Pollack, admitted
as Ruth Marie Pollack, an attorney and
Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, petitioner;
Ruth M. Pollack, respondent.
(Attorney Registration No. 1892660)
By letter dated January 27, 2009, the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial
District informed the court that the respondent was convicted on September 26, 2008, of criminal contempt pursuant to Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure rule 42 in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York.
She was sentenced by the Honorable Allyne R. Ross to unsupervised probation for a period of two years and suspended from the practice of law in the Eastern District of New York for a period of 45 days.
The Grievance Committee submitted certified copies of the judgment dated September 26, 2008, the memorandum and verdict dated September 19, 2008, and the sentencing minutes dated September 26, 2008, and took the position that the respondent’s conviction qualifies as a serious crime within the meaning of Judiciary Law § 90(4)(d) and 22 NYCRR 691.7(b). Notwithstanding that order of suspension, the respondent continued to practice law in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York.
Accordingly, by order dated December 31, 2008, the Committee on Grievances for the Eastern District of New York suspended the respondent from the practice of law before that court for a period of two years.
The Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District also submitted a certified copy of that order to the court and served the respondent with a notice pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3 informing her of her right to file a verified statement setting forth defenses to the imposition of reciprocal discipline.
The respondent was admitted to the Bar at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department on October 26, 1983, under the name Ruth Marie Pollack.
Upon the papers submitted to the court, it is ORDERED that on the court’s own motion, the respondent Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, is immediately suspended from the practice of law pursuant to Judiciary Law § 90(4)(f) as a result of her conviction of a serious crime, continuing until further order of this court;
and it is further, ORDERED that the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, shall promptly comply with this court's rules governing the conduct of disbarred, suspended, and resigned attorneys (see 22 NYCRR 691.10); and it is further,
ORDERED that pursuant to Judiciary Law § 90, during the period of suspension and
until further order of this court, the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, is commanded to desist and refrain from
(1) practicing law in any form, either as principal or agent, clerk, or employee of another,
(2) appearing as an attorney or counselor-at-law before any court, Judge, Justice, board, commission or other public authority,
(3) giving to another an opinion as to the law or its application or any advice in relation thereto, and
(4) holding herself out in any way as an attorney and counselor-at-law; and it is further,
ORDERED that on the court's own motion, the Grievance Committee for the Tenth
Judicial District is hereby authorized to institute and prosecute a disciplinary proceeding in this court, as petitioner, against the said Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, based on her conviction of a serious crime; and it is further,
ORDERED that Rita E. Adler, Chief Counsel to the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, 150 Motor Parkway, Suite 102, Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788, is hereby appointed as attorney for the petitioner in such proceeding; and it is further,
ORDERED that the petitioner Grievance Committee shall serve upon the respondent and the Special Referee and file with this court a petition within 30 days after receipt of a copy of this decision and order on motion; and it is further,
ORDERED that the respondent shall serve an answer to the petition upon the petitioner and the Special Referee and file the original answer with this court within 20 days after service upon her of the petition; and it is further,
ORDERED that the issues raised by the petition and any answer thereto are referred
to the Honorable James A. Gowan, a retired Justice of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, 90 Sequams Lane East, West Islip, N.Y. 11795, as Special Referee to expeditiously hear and report, together with his findings on the issues, and to submit a report within 60 days after the conclusion of the hearing or the submission of post-hearing memoranda; and it is further,
ORDERED that if the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack,
has been issued a secure pass by the Office of Court Administration, it shall be returned forthwith to the issuing agency and the respondent shall certify to the same in her affidavit of compliance pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.10(f); and it is further,
ORDERED that the Grievance Committee’s application pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3
to impose reciprocal discipline upon the respondent is denied as academic.
James Edward Pelzer
Clerk of the Court ""
Source of Post
Do you have a Tip on Jame E. Pelzer ?
We are getting information on James Edward Pelzer - Clerk of the Court - Second Judicial Department - Appellate Division ... it is said that Jame E. Pelzer is possibly... simply handing out suspensions as the one above without approval, not based in law or fact but instead based on the New York Attorney Fraternity and the Culture of Corruption that we hear so much about out of New York - Especially the "Second Department.
If you have any Knowledge of Possible Unethical or Corrupt actions from or by James Edward Pelzer - Please Email your Whistleblower Tip to me at Crystal@CrystalCox.com
More Facts and the TRUTH about Ruth M. Pollack Coming Soon to my New Investigative Blog - www.SecondDepartment.com
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger
Sources say that Ruth M. Pollack was Illegally and Unethical Suspended as a New York Attorney, her Civil Rights have been violated and sources say that she is not taking it laying down.
So the question .... is James Pelzer - Clerk of Court handing out Attorney Suspensions for Political Favors, Pay Offs, OR are they actually based in Law, Truth and What Really Happened?
Does James Edward Pelzer have to Prove that an Attorney actually committed a crime or did something unlawful or does James E. Pelzer just hand out suspensions like candy...???
See in New York.. My Whistleblower Network talks about an incredible, historic Wall of Corruption.. it is said that Attorneys all know each other and they are above the Law. So the Big Law Firms are protected to committ Billion Dollar Crimes and no one seems to have the Moxy to hold them accountable for anything...
I am seeing in Court Corruption across the United States in Big and Small Courts, that the Law is irrelevant and that the Truth is No Defense. However, the law is forced, faked, staged to set up those who know to much, or speak out against corruption or injustice.. it happens the same in small towns and the biggest of cities... the Game is the Same... easily set up the "Good Guy" for a Text Message, a Faked Incident.. and well you would be shocked.. this to run them out of business and bring the Ol' Economic Terrorism, take their livelihood - take their credibility and ruin their life all to protect some unethical behavior that some Well Connected Attorney or Politician has done... it is Wrong Folks.. Flat out Wrong..
Those of you Who Follow My Blogs.. know that .. it is simple.. the Truth is Criminal.. and the courts, the clerks and corrupt attorneys will make sure you go down for it.. that simple.. I have now seen it over and over again..
Below is a Suspension Letter to New York Attorney Ruth M. Pollack, I found it online.. it is My Opinion that this Letter from James E. Pelzer is Illegal, Not Based in Fact, Not Based in Truth, Not Based in Law and that this Letter is a Civil Violation of Ruth Pollack's Rights.
Stay Tuned to Our Blog Network for More on the Ruth M. Pollack Story, as we uncover More TRUTH out of the Second Departmet - www.SecondDepartment.com
Got a Tip
Email Me at
"" In the Matter of Ruth M. Pollack, admitted
as Ruth Marie Pollack, an attorney and
Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, petitioner;
Ruth M. Pollack, respondent.
(Attorney Registration No. 1892660)
By letter dated January 27, 2009, the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial
District informed the court that the respondent was convicted on September 26, 2008, of criminal contempt pursuant to Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure rule 42 in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York.
She was sentenced by the Honorable Allyne R. Ross to unsupervised probation for a period of two years and suspended from the practice of law in the Eastern District of New York for a period of 45 days.
The Grievance Committee submitted certified copies of the judgment dated September 26, 2008, the memorandum and verdict dated September 19, 2008, and the sentencing minutes dated September 26, 2008, and took the position that the respondent’s conviction qualifies as a serious crime within the meaning of Judiciary Law § 90(4)(d) and 22 NYCRR 691.7(b). Notwithstanding that order of suspension, the respondent continued to practice law in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York.
Accordingly, by order dated December 31, 2008, the Committee on Grievances for the Eastern District of New York suspended the respondent from the practice of law before that court for a period of two years.
The Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District also submitted a certified copy of that order to the court and served the respondent with a notice pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3 informing her of her right to file a verified statement setting forth defenses to the imposition of reciprocal discipline.
The respondent was admitted to the Bar at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department on October 26, 1983, under the name Ruth Marie Pollack.
Upon the papers submitted to the court, it is ORDERED that on the court’s own motion, the respondent Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, is immediately suspended from the practice of law pursuant to Judiciary Law § 90(4)(f) as a result of her conviction of a serious crime, continuing until further order of this court;
and it is further, ORDERED that the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, shall promptly comply with this court's rules governing the conduct of disbarred, suspended, and resigned attorneys (see 22 NYCRR 691.10); and it is further,
ORDERED that pursuant to Judiciary Law § 90, during the period of suspension and
until further order of this court, the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, is commanded to desist and refrain from
(1) practicing law in any form, either as principal or agent, clerk, or employee of another,
(2) appearing as an attorney or counselor-at-law before any court, Judge, Justice, board, commission or other public authority,
(3) giving to another an opinion as to the law or its application or any advice in relation thereto, and
(4) holding herself out in any way as an attorney and counselor-at-law; and it is further,
ORDERED that on the court's own motion, the Grievance Committee for the Tenth
Judicial District is hereby authorized to institute and prosecute a disciplinary proceeding in this court, as petitioner, against the said Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack, based on her conviction of a serious crime; and it is further,
ORDERED that Rita E. Adler, Chief Counsel to the Grievance Committee for the Tenth Judicial District, 150 Motor Parkway, Suite 102, Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788, is hereby appointed as attorney for the petitioner in such proceeding; and it is further,
ORDERED that the petitioner Grievance Committee shall serve upon the respondent and the Special Referee and file with this court a petition within 30 days after receipt of a copy of this decision and order on motion; and it is further,
ORDERED that the respondent shall serve an answer to the petition upon the petitioner and the Special Referee and file the original answer with this court within 20 days after service upon her of the petition; and it is further,
ORDERED that the issues raised by the petition and any answer thereto are referred
to the Honorable James A. Gowan, a retired Justice of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County, 90 Sequams Lane East, West Islip, N.Y. 11795, as Special Referee to expeditiously hear and report, together with his findings on the issues, and to submit a report within 60 days after the conclusion of the hearing or the submission of post-hearing memoranda; and it is further,
ORDERED that if the respondent, Ruth M. Pollack, admitted as Ruth Marie Pollack,
has been issued a secure pass by the Office of Court Administration, it shall be returned forthwith to the issuing agency and the respondent shall certify to the same in her affidavit of compliance pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.10(f); and it is further,
ORDERED that the Grievance Committee’s application pursuant to 22 NYCRR 691.3
to impose reciprocal discipline upon the respondent is denied as academic.
James Edward Pelzer
Clerk of the Court ""
Source of Post
Do you have a Tip on Jame E. Pelzer ?
We are getting information on James Edward Pelzer - Clerk of the Court - Second Judicial Department - Appellate Division ... it is said that Jame E. Pelzer is possibly... simply handing out suspensions as the one above without approval, not based in law or fact but instead based on the New York Attorney Fraternity and the Culture of Corruption that we hear so much about out of New York - Especially the "Second Department.
If you have any Knowledge of Possible Unethical or Corrupt actions from or by James Edward Pelzer - Please Email your Whistleblower Tip to me at Crystal@CrystalCox.com
More Facts and the TRUTH about Ruth M. Pollack Coming Soon to my New Investigative Blog - www.SecondDepartment.com
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Ruth M. Pollack - Judge Harold Baer, Jr. - US District Court For the Southern District - New York. Re: Pollack and Chesney V. State of New York.
"" Dear Judge Baer
I am a plaintiff in the above action filed in this court and assigned by "wheel" to you. Also plaintiffs in this action are Kevin G. and Lorraine Chesney. This Letter is written to notify you of the fraudulent representations made by New York State defendants and to seek "reconsideration" and reversal of an endorsed "order" relaying our case to Judge Paul Crotty. ""
Source and Full Letter Click Here.
Ruth M. Pollack - Kevin G. Chesney
I am a plaintiff in the above action filed in this court and assigned by "wheel" to you. Also plaintiffs in this action are Kevin G. and Lorraine Chesney. This Letter is written to notify you of the fraudulent representations made by New York State defendants and to seek "reconsideration" and reversal of an endorsed "order" relaying our case to Judge Paul Crotty. ""
Source and Full Letter Click Here.
Ruth M. Pollack - Kevin G. Chesney
Monday, April 5, 2010
CEO Ray Davis - VP Brad Copeland - Umpqua Bank Compliance Officer Duties - A Bank CEO and Vice President KNOW their Duties.
I Believe that Umpqua Bank CEO Ray Davis and Umpqua Bank Vice President Brad Copeland are Hiding some huge secrets that the Summit 1031 Creditors have a Right to KNOW...
Here are a few tidbits on Compliance Officers...
Umpqua Bank Compliance Officer Job Description, in Online Job Offers ...
"Ability to demonstrates compliance with all bank regulations, Follows all Bank policies and procedures, compliance regulations .."
Who Hires a Compliance Officer for a Bank?
Who Knows Full Well What the Duties of a Compliance Officer Are?
What is the Umpqua Bank Compliance Program ? Does it state that emails will be monitored for quality control or compliance?
" The Chief Compliance Officer serves the CEO and Board of Directors by reporting on the Company’s compliance efforts and providing guidance on compliance matters. The Chief Compliance Officer, together with the Compliance Committee (or other committee) of the Board, is authorized to implement all necessary actions to create an effective compliance program."
So the CEO of Umpqua Bank knows FULL Well What a Compliance Officer Does Right? And so does an Umpqua Bank Vice President, who are you trying to FOOL? Oh .. the Creditors..
Part of the Duties of a Bank Compliance Officer is to Provide reports on a regular basis, so the Executives at Umpqua KNEW that the Email Monitoring was a part of the Compliance Officers Job - there is No Way that they did not know that email would be in this 100 Million Dollar Scandal.. keep in mind Summit 1031 had a BILLION dollar pass through their Greedy Mitts over the last Decade...
An Umpqua Bank Compliance Officer Can can review email dialog for content. The Bank CEO and Vice President KNOW THIS... without a Doubt.
Compliance Regulation Bank, Umpqua Bank Compliance, Umpqua Bank Compliance Officer Duties, Chief Compliance Officer , and more.. coming soon..
Coming Soon and Research Tips, Find an Old Lawsuit that Umpqua Bank Brad Copeland and Or CEO Ray Davis were in or had to know about, where the emails were used - this proves they knew that in the Summit 1031 Case the eMail would be an instrumental part of the case again.
Get a Copy of Umpqua Bank Policy and Procedures to see if ANYTHING to do with email monitoring, or saying that emails will be part of a lawsuit.
In that eMail Umpqua Bank Brad Copeland admits to knowing that emails are subpoenaed, that only admits Guilt. Vice President Umpqua Bank knew that THOSE emails would be part of the record and so he sent that Email to CEO Ray Davis to Make sure it was Part of a Lawsuit that they Full well knew that had Plenty of Exposure on.
Brad Copeland admits in that email that the Summit 1031 Principles asked them to "get in bed with them" - So how can Summit 1031 say they did do this?
And if Umpqua Bank CEO Ray Davis and Vice President Brad Copeland did not "get into bed with" Summit 1031 - Summit Accommodators, Lane Lyons - Tim Larkin - Brian Stevens and Mark Neuman ..
WELL then WHO did, because what is playing out to me shows that those boys are not real smart.. so someone hid their assets and helped them hid money for many years... WHO Was it?
I Say, in My Opinion, the CEO Ray Davis and Vice President Brad Copeland are trying to hide something HUGE and that they know a lot more on the Summit 1031 Scandal then they have yet to admit. I Say, in my Opinion - that they staged that email in hopes of avoiding a .. say 30 Million Dollar Lawsuit and that they, in my Opinion were indeed in bed with Summit and in a Very Big Way..
Compliance Officer Research Links
Also Research the HUGE Scandal about Compliance Officer Peter Sivere - the JPMorgan Whistleblower - who caught an email that incriminated the big boys and THEY Fired Him...
More at
Here are a few tidbits on Compliance Officers...
Umpqua Bank Compliance Officer Job Description, in Online Job Offers ...
"Ability to demonstrates compliance with all bank regulations, Follows all Bank policies and procedures, compliance regulations .."
Who Hires a Compliance Officer for a Bank?
Who Knows Full Well What the Duties of a Compliance Officer Are?
What is the Umpqua Bank Compliance Program ? Does it state that emails will be monitored for quality control or compliance?
" The Chief Compliance Officer serves the CEO and Board of Directors by reporting on the Company’s compliance efforts and providing guidance on compliance matters. The Chief Compliance Officer, together with the Compliance Committee (or other committee) of the Board, is authorized to implement all necessary actions to create an effective compliance program."
So the CEO of Umpqua Bank knows FULL Well What a Compliance Officer Does Right? And so does an Umpqua Bank Vice President, who are you trying to FOOL? Oh .. the Creditors..
Part of the Duties of a Bank Compliance Officer is to Provide reports on a regular basis, so the Executives at Umpqua KNEW that the Email Monitoring was a part of the Compliance Officers Job - there is No Way that they did not know that email would be in this 100 Million Dollar Scandal.. keep in mind Summit 1031 had a BILLION dollar pass through their Greedy Mitts over the last Decade...
An Umpqua Bank Compliance Officer Can can review email dialog for content. The Bank CEO and Vice President KNOW THIS... without a Doubt.
Compliance Regulation Bank, Umpqua Bank Compliance, Umpqua Bank Compliance Officer Duties, Chief Compliance Officer , and more.. coming soon..
Coming Soon and Research Tips, Find an Old Lawsuit that Umpqua Bank Brad Copeland and Or CEO Ray Davis were in or had to know about, where the emails were used - this proves they knew that in the Summit 1031 Case the eMail would be an instrumental part of the case again.
Get a Copy of Umpqua Bank Policy and Procedures to see if ANYTHING to do with email monitoring, or saying that emails will be part of a lawsuit.
In that eMail Umpqua Bank Brad Copeland admits to knowing that emails are subpoenaed, that only admits Guilt. Vice President Umpqua Bank knew that THOSE emails would be part of the record and so he sent that Email to CEO Ray Davis to Make sure it was Part of a Lawsuit that they Full well knew that had Plenty of Exposure on.
Brad Copeland admits in that email that the Summit 1031 Principles asked them to "get in bed with them" - So how can Summit 1031 say they did do this?
And if Umpqua Bank CEO Ray Davis and Vice President Brad Copeland did not "get into bed with" Summit 1031 - Summit Accommodators, Lane Lyons - Tim Larkin - Brian Stevens and Mark Neuman ..
WELL then WHO did, because what is playing out to me shows that those boys are not real smart.. so someone hid their assets and helped them hid money for many years... WHO Was it?
I Say, in My Opinion, the CEO Ray Davis and Vice President Brad Copeland are trying to hide something HUGE and that they know a lot more on the Summit 1031 Scandal then they have yet to admit. I Say, in my Opinion - that they staged that email in hopes of avoiding a .. say 30 Million Dollar Lawsuit and that they, in my Opinion were indeed in bed with Summit and in a Very Big Way..
Compliance Officer Research Links
Also Research the HUGE Scandal about Compliance Officer Peter Sivere - the JPMorgan Whistleblower - who caught an email that incriminated the big boys and THEY Fired Him...
More at
Sunday, April 4, 2010
EDNY & Valley Stream FOIA / Both Destroyed all original case file and documents. Kevin Chesney Whistleblower - Ruth Pollack Attorney.
Coming Soon To Our Industry Whistleblower and Expose Court Corruption Network - the Story of Kevin Chesney Whistleblower.
Coming soon.. "Proof of the theft and misappropriation of Hundreds of Millions of LOCAL, STATE and FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS!!! "
"Where is our Attorney General???
This is not only a crime but a cover up. "
Stay Tuned as We Explore all the Parts and Pieces of
www.ConcealingDocuments.com will Soon Explore the Depth the - Pollack and Chesney V. EDNY et al on SDNY, New York Judiciary Committee Hearing First Dept , Plaintiffs Kevin Chesney, Kevin Chesney Whistle Blower, Ruth Pollock, Ruth M. Pollack, Esq., Andrew Cuomo, Cuomo Family Secrets, Human Rights Laws, Judge Hurley, Hundreds of millions of tax dollars misappropriated / stolen, and more..
"" CUOMO and the Crotty family, are close friends and political allies.
Our federal judge Harold Baer was illegally taken off the case to cover up mammoth state and federal judicial scandal involving school districts and bribes and payoffs we have not yet proven.
But they can't hide it forever!!!
The state of new york is broke and Cuomo has an enormous amount of $$$ in his campaign coffers!!! We need the F.B.I. and an independent investigation .. ""
Research Links
Got a Tip on This Story ?
Email Me at
Coming Soon To Our Industry Whistleblower and Expose Court Corruption Network - the Story of Kevin Chesney Whistleblower.
Coming soon.. "Proof of the theft and misappropriation of Hundreds of Millions of LOCAL, STATE and FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS!!! "
"Where is our Attorney General???
This is not only a crime but a cover up. "
Stay Tuned as We Explore all the Parts and Pieces of
www.ConcealingDocuments.com will Soon Explore the Depth the - Pollack and Chesney V. EDNY et al on SDNY, New York Judiciary Committee Hearing First Dept , Plaintiffs Kevin Chesney, Kevin Chesney Whistle Blower, Ruth Pollock, Ruth M. Pollack, Esq., Andrew Cuomo, Cuomo Family Secrets, Human Rights Laws, Judge Hurley, Hundreds of millions of tax dollars misappropriated / stolen, and more..
"" CUOMO and the Crotty family, are close friends and political allies.
Our federal judge Harold Baer was illegally taken off the case to cover up mammoth state and federal judicial scandal involving school districts and bribes and payoffs we have not yet proven.
But they can't hide it forever!!!
The state of new york is broke and Cuomo has an enormous amount of $$$ in his campaign coffers!!! We need the F.B.I. and an independent investigation .. ""
Research Links
Got a Tip on This Story ?
Email Me at
Why Crystal L. Cox, Investigative Blogger Believes there is a High Possibility That Summit 1031 Exchange REALLY is "in bed with" Obsidian Finance Group?
What If, ... as we see in Mark Neuman, Summit 1031 Principles eMails to Investigative Blogger - Mark Neuman or Really any of the 4 Summit Principles or Affiliates really did take that "Attorney Advice" that Mark Neuman Tells Crystal L. Cox in his emails to her.. that he was given advice from his own attorney that he better jump in bed with Kevin Padrick.
What if the ONE or ALL of the Summit Principles ALL ALONG or at ANY point over the last 15 months... did actually get into bed with "Kevin Padrick" - "Obsidian Finance Group"?
What if the Umpqua Lawsuit was staged somehow to make Obsidian Really Look outside of it all?
I, Crystal L. Cox - Investigative Blogger now Believe that Umpqua Bank Executives knew full well that their eMails were constantly monitored by a Compliance Officer, it is the Nature of the Job and a 2 Million Dollar a Year Salaried CEO of a Multi-Billion Dollar Bank would have to know that.
What if Kevin Padrick, Obsidian Finance Group put that eMail in his report to give Umpqua a Way out?
I mean Judge Dunn seemed to Favor Umpqua right? Yet we know from the Sound Byte that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung posted that Judge Dunn actually picked, appointed and kind of forced Kevin Padrick into the Role he has in the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy. ( a Side Note to this, we also know that Bret DeYoung was upset and knew Mark Neuman would be upset that Stephanie, on her own, posted that sound byte of Judge Dunn appointing Kevin Padrick)
So Judge Dunn, Kevin Padrick and Umpqua may be, really more Chummy then they would like the public to believe. And Bankruptcy Whistleblower Husband Bret DeYoung may be alot more "in bed with" Father in Law Summit Principle Mark Neuman then we knew..
The Umpqual Email - Staged Event..
With those eMail Communications between Umpqua Vice President Brad Copeland and Umpqua CEO Ray Davis it just does not make sense that this happened after Umpqua Filed for Bankruptcy and that only this email surfaced the way it did...
See .. why are there not other communiciations between Umpqua Executives in house, with Summit, with Realtors, with Mortgage Brokers, Attorneys or anyone really anyone as far as that goes..
Why Just This eMail?
It Makes No Rational Sense.
I mean surely some eMail or correspondence over the last few years would factor in to a "Savvy Investigator" File.. So why this eMail - MAKES no Sense, I Believe it was a Staged Event Period.
What if Judge Dunn, the DOJ Trustee, Obsidian, and the Summit 1031 Principles are really "in bed with" each other on so much more then can even be imagined?
Other Reasons that Make Sense that the Summit 1031Principles
MAY very well, indeed be "in Bed with" Obsidian Finance.
Kevin Padrick was Original Going to Work for Summit 1031 Original and things Oddly Changed, what if Summit Paid them off and Obsidian Finance Group switched sides on purpose to create more money for all the "Bad Guys" from that position.. ??
What if the Summit 1031 Principles made sure that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung got that video of that meeting to ensure that their version of the story was told..???
And what if Kevin Padrick fought that Video with a fiery to make it look like he was really against it all.. yet it was staged for us to expose .. to make it look like Summit was against Obsidian.. I mean listen to the pre-video - that could easily have been staged.. AND we know that Tim Larkin told Stephanie DeYoung how the video should be and "the point is to get the sound"
Yet She was the ONLY One that Got Criminal Charges for that Video, Why?
Kevin Padrick cannot afford to make it seem like he wanted the video out to make it look like he and summit were on opposite sides, so maybe he pressed those charges to get attention to the story .. that he Just did not Approve of those Videos.. and the Bend DA went Right Along with it??? What If it Happened that way.. ?? ....
What Changed Mark Neuman after March 4th 2010?
Why Did Mark Neuman NOT send me a link to the breaking news on the Summit Settlement on March 4th, and well Neither Did Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung as far as that goes. After all this time Mark Neuman Summit Principle sending me links, thoughts, information sometimes even quite demanding as to what I post and when..SO why not That.. ??? I mean you can see in eMails to me that the "Settlement" was what they all wanted so bad and for so long.. so why NOT send me that Big New.. ??
Unless there was so much more to it and he did not want
Mad Dog Blogger Crystal L. Cox all Up in His Business... Why Else would Mark Neuman be so Brave,
so Comfortable with his situation after 15 months,
and after the 16.5 Million Settlement on March 4th 2010.
I believe Mark Neuman was comfortable and went back to his Old Asshole Self because he felt and was reassured by someone that he was in the clear. And he was ready to take back the reigns of his life, take charge of His Women Folk and get back to the business of the Life of Mark Neuman, Mega-Millionaire ....
You can tell from eMails that Mark sent me that he thought of me as friend, What Changed?
You can see that he was like.. Yeah Crystal, and even fed me stuff, and then after the Settlement it was Screw you Crystal.. and then he went to deal with STOPPING the Friendship I had built with his Bankruptcy Whistleblower daughter Stephanie DeYoung, Why?
Makes no sense really, I had never even met her.. and was certainly not brainwashing her. He fed me information on the family and all the relatives and then convinced her mom that I knew to much about everybody.. yet he was the one who told me.. you can see in eMails..
The Other 3 Summit Principles - Lane Lyons, Tim Larkin, and Brian Stevens... Well .. During 15 months and though it was Obvious that I was Fully Capable of getting their Story out, well the Other 3 Principles of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy never emailed me their story, did not email me links - did not draw my attention to anything.. Why? I mean it was obvious I was no part of this and just telling the story so why not send me ANYTHING? Why not Get Heard?
Other Reasons that May Factor in..
Why Did the Bend DA, Kevin Padrick only charge Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung with that video When those Attorneys are Smarter then that, they knew that ALL in the Room Knew, including another Attorney - Terry Vance.
Maybe the Bend DA and Kevin Padrick Staged that?
I mean Summit had been rumored to be in bed with local officials on many developments, so why would the Bend DA do this Criminal Charges game with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung... Really and
Why only Her ????
Why after 15 MONTHS and NOT Before the 16.5 Million Dollar Settlement HAD the FBI failed to Interview who seemed to be the book keeper, accountant, a manager of many LLC's - an Insider - a Daughter of one of the Principles, and well a Very Important Interview?
Also other Investors who are pressured to turn over millions have called me and told me that they too have not YET been interviewed by the FBI.. so how in the World is it that Mark Neuman feels he is so In the Clear that he has not only turned on me, but is making active steps to contain information daily to Protect his Ass.. on all this. the biggest one being shutting up his own daughter - Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung - and using her Husband, Bret DeYoung to help him do it...
Is the FBI agent in on it?
Did the FBI Tell Stephanie she was Guilty of Money Laundeering to Scare her.. yet did not say this to other Principles to Scare them ??? WHY?
Is there an FBI payoff somewhere? Who Knows.. The Scandal is certainly widening daily and NOTHING would surprise me NOW...
Some Ideas and Thoughts..
Summit has connections in Colorado, there is so much around the Obsidian Finance Group - Obsidian Renewables deal that does not add up..
How did this jump up into the middle of all this.. ???
Maybe Summit 1031 has Stocks in PV Powered or that Colorado Energy Company that Bought it..
Maybe Summit 1031 gets some profit or something from Obsidian Renewables.
What Real Connections do the Summit Principles have to PV Powered or the Energy Company that Bought it? I believe there is a lot more to that story..
So What if the Creditors Never Did have ANY independent Representation, Support or Advocate and only Big Money in bed with Big Money to Keep them Down and to Play High Finance Games with Each Other... and Benefitting Each Other.. ???
It is a VERY High Possibility that One or ALL of the Summit 1031 Principles, Umpqua Executives, Judge Randall Dunn, Steven Hedberg, Obsidian Finance Group are all "in bed together".
They all knew that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung did not know all this stuff and so they kept messing with her to create an illusion, and to play me into it to getting the Summit Illusion heard from the Rooftops.
I mean Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung is low man on the totem pole in this one, so why was she taking ALL the heat and pressure, criminal charges, the only one to be videod in deposition and more constant harassment.. why just her?
I NEVER did hear from other Summit Principles,
Lane Lyons, Tim Larkin, and Briand Stevens.. Why?
Why Did Summit 1031 Principle Mark Neuman
Get So Brave after 15 Months of Kissing My Ass?
So Much Does not Add Up that It makes My Head Spin...
More Inside Information on the Summit 1031 Bankrupcty at
posted by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger
Got a Tip?Crystal@CrystalCox.com
What if the ONE or ALL of the Summit Principles ALL ALONG or at ANY point over the last 15 months... did actually get into bed with "Kevin Padrick" - "Obsidian Finance Group"?
What if the Umpqua Lawsuit was staged somehow to make Obsidian Really Look outside of it all?
I, Crystal L. Cox - Investigative Blogger now Believe that Umpqua Bank Executives knew full well that their eMails were constantly monitored by a Compliance Officer, it is the Nature of the Job and a 2 Million Dollar a Year Salaried CEO of a Multi-Billion Dollar Bank would have to know that.
What if Kevin Padrick, Obsidian Finance Group put that eMail in his report to give Umpqua a Way out?
I mean Judge Dunn seemed to Favor Umpqua right? Yet we know from the Sound Byte that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung posted that Judge Dunn actually picked, appointed and kind of forced Kevin Padrick into the Role he has in the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy. ( a Side Note to this, we also know that Bret DeYoung was upset and knew Mark Neuman would be upset that Stephanie, on her own, posted that sound byte of Judge Dunn appointing Kevin Padrick)
So Judge Dunn, Kevin Padrick and Umpqua may be, really more Chummy then they would like the public to believe. And Bankruptcy Whistleblower Husband Bret DeYoung may be alot more "in bed with" Father in Law Summit Principle Mark Neuman then we knew..
The Umpqual Email - Staged Event..
With those eMail Communications between Umpqua Vice President Brad Copeland and Umpqua CEO Ray Davis it just does not make sense that this happened after Umpqua Filed for Bankruptcy and that only this email surfaced the way it did...
See .. why are there not other communiciations between Umpqua Executives in house, with Summit, with Realtors, with Mortgage Brokers, Attorneys or anyone really anyone as far as that goes..
Why Just This eMail?
It Makes No Rational Sense.
I mean surely some eMail or correspondence over the last few years would factor in to a "Savvy Investigator" File.. So why this eMail - MAKES no Sense, I Believe it was a Staged Event Period.
What if Judge Dunn, the DOJ Trustee, Obsidian, and the Summit 1031 Principles are really "in bed with" each other on so much more then can even be imagined?
Other Reasons that Make Sense that the Summit 1031Principles
MAY very well, indeed be "in Bed with" Obsidian Finance.
Kevin Padrick was Original Going to Work for Summit 1031 Original and things Oddly Changed, what if Summit Paid them off and Obsidian Finance Group switched sides on purpose to create more money for all the "Bad Guys" from that position.. ??
What if the Summit 1031 Principles made sure that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung got that video of that meeting to ensure that their version of the story was told..???
And what if Kevin Padrick fought that Video with a fiery to make it look like he was really against it all.. yet it was staged for us to expose .. to make it look like Summit was against Obsidian.. I mean listen to the pre-video - that could easily have been staged.. AND we know that Tim Larkin told Stephanie DeYoung how the video should be and "the point is to get the sound"
Yet She was the ONLY One that Got Criminal Charges for that Video, Why?
Kevin Padrick cannot afford to make it seem like he wanted the video out to make it look like he and summit were on opposite sides, so maybe he pressed those charges to get attention to the story .. that he Just did not Approve of those Videos.. and the Bend DA went Right Along with it??? What If it Happened that way.. ?? ....
What Changed Mark Neuman after March 4th 2010?
Why Did Mark Neuman NOT send me a link to the breaking news on the Summit Settlement on March 4th, and well Neither Did Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung as far as that goes. After all this time Mark Neuman Summit Principle sending me links, thoughts, information sometimes even quite demanding as to what I post and when..SO why not That.. ??? I mean you can see in eMails to me that the "Settlement" was what they all wanted so bad and for so long.. so why NOT send me that Big New.. ??
Unless there was so much more to it and he did not want
Mad Dog Blogger Crystal L. Cox all Up in His Business... Why Else would Mark Neuman be so Brave,
so Comfortable with his situation after 15 months,
and after the 16.5 Million Settlement on March 4th 2010.
I believe Mark Neuman was comfortable and went back to his Old Asshole Self because he felt and was reassured by someone that he was in the clear. And he was ready to take back the reigns of his life, take charge of His Women Folk and get back to the business of the Life of Mark Neuman, Mega-Millionaire ....
You can tell from eMails that Mark sent me that he thought of me as friend, What Changed?
You can see that he was like.. Yeah Crystal, and even fed me stuff, and then after the Settlement it was Screw you Crystal.. and then he went to deal with STOPPING the Friendship I had built with his Bankruptcy Whistleblower daughter Stephanie DeYoung, Why?
Makes no sense really, I had never even met her.. and was certainly not brainwashing her. He fed me information on the family and all the relatives and then convinced her mom that I knew to much about everybody.. yet he was the one who told me.. you can see in eMails..
The Other 3 Summit Principles - Lane Lyons, Tim Larkin, and Brian Stevens... Well .. During 15 months and though it was Obvious that I was Fully Capable of getting their Story out, well the Other 3 Principles of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy never emailed me their story, did not email me links - did not draw my attention to anything.. Why? I mean it was obvious I was no part of this and just telling the story so why not send me ANYTHING? Why not Get Heard?
Other Reasons that May Factor in..
Why Did the Bend DA, Kevin Padrick only charge Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung with that video When those Attorneys are Smarter then that, they knew that ALL in the Room Knew, including another Attorney - Terry Vance.
Maybe the Bend DA and Kevin Padrick Staged that?
I mean Summit had been rumored to be in bed with local officials on many developments, so why would the Bend DA do this Criminal Charges game with Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung... Really and
Why only Her ????
Why after 15 MONTHS and NOT Before the 16.5 Million Dollar Settlement HAD the FBI failed to Interview who seemed to be the book keeper, accountant, a manager of many LLC's - an Insider - a Daughter of one of the Principles, and well a Very Important Interview?
Also other Investors who are pressured to turn over millions have called me and told me that they too have not YET been interviewed by the FBI.. so how in the World is it that Mark Neuman feels he is so In the Clear that he has not only turned on me, but is making active steps to contain information daily to Protect his Ass.. on all this. the biggest one being shutting up his own daughter - Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung - and using her Husband, Bret DeYoung to help him do it...
Is the FBI agent in on it?
Did the FBI Tell Stephanie she was Guilty of Money Laundeering to Scare her.. yet did not say this to other Principles to Scare them ??? WHY?
Is there an FBI payoff somewhere? Who Knows.. The Scandal is certainly widening daily and NOTHING would surprise me NOW...
Some Ideas and Thoughts..
Summit has connections in Colorado, there is so much around the Obsidian Finance Group - Obsidian Renewables deal that does not add up..
How did this jump up into the middle of all this.. ???
Maybe Summit 1031 has Stocks in PV Powered or that Colorado Energy Company that Bought it..
Maybe Summit 1031 gets some profit or something from Obsidian Renewables.
What Real Connections do the Summit Principles have to PV Powered or the Energy Company that Bought it? I believe there is a lot more to that story..
So What if the Creditors Never Did have ANY independent Representation, Support or Advocate and only Big Money in bed with Big Money to Keep them Down and to Play High Finance Games with Each Other... and Benefitting Each Other.. ???
It is a VERY High Possibility that One or ALL of the Summit 1031 Principles, Umpqua Executives, Judge Randall Dunn, Steven Hedberg, Obsidian Finance Group are all "in bed together".
They all knew that Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung did not know all this stuff and so they kept messing with her to create an illusion, and to play me into it to getting the Summit Illusion heard from the Rooftops.
I mean Bankruptcy Whistleblower Stephanie DeYoung is low man on the totem pole in this one, so why was she taking ALL the heat and pressure, criminal charges, the only one to be videod in deposition and more constant harassment.. why just her?
I NEVER did hear from other Summit Principles,
Lane Lyons, Tim Larkin, and Briand Stevens.. Why?
Why Did Summit 1031 Principle Mark Neuman
Get So Brave after 15 Months of Kissing My Ass?
So Much Does not Add Up that It makes My Head Spin...
More Inside Information on the Summit 1031 Bankrupcty at
posted by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger
Got a Tip?Crystal@CrystalCox.com
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