Saturday, April 24, 2010

Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc.

A Stunning New Development in the Trillion Dollar Iviewit Stolen Patent Case.

After a Decade of Warner Bros., Time Warner Inc. and AOL seemingly ignoring the Blatant Fraud and Shareholder Liability from violating non-compete agreements and basically disregarding Legally Binding agreements that put Shareholders Liable for Billions... well last week Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations emails Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies.

And it almost seemed like Warner Bros. was going to actually start "Risk Management" and to come clean with the Massive Shareholder Fraud that They have known about for a Decade... but wait.. then...

Ok well.. Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations emails Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies Says:

" Dear Mr. Bernstein,

This is to acknowledge that Time Warner Inc. received your email of March 17, 2010 sent to the Investor Relations email address.

In the event of furture correspondence regarding the subject of your email, we request that you contact Mr. Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer of Time Warner, with whom we understand you have already been in contact.

Lorie Coulombe
Executive Director
Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019
T: 212-484-8972 ""

After this Curtis Lu, Eliot Bernstein and Eliot's Attorney had a Talk..

It is My Understanding that Curtis Lu Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. has spoke with *Iviewit's Eliot Bernstein... apparently some Savvy, Smart Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros. Investors are calling Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. and asking about their risk with this Iviewit Thing..

and well you see though there are 1200 documents online and the Iviewit Patent was Stolen a Decade ago and is used on pretty much all TV's, Phones, Video Cameras, and much .. MUCH more.. well apparently Curtis Lu did not look into the Evidence, the Agreements, and though Curtil Lu is paid to assess Risk for shareholders and is a Compliance officer ... well Curtis Lu does not seem to know how to Google, to Read Documents and to do his homework in assessing the Billions in Risk to the Shareholders he is Paid to Protect...

So Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. thought he would save himself the time of researching contracts, reading blogs - documents and proof and instead he would just ask One Dumbass Question to Eliot Bernstein - Iviewit owner and one of the Iviewit Technologies Inventors....

Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. asked

"What is My Risk Here" ??????

Years of Stress, Family Threatened, Car Bombed.. and been through hell and some VP calls a decade later and asks... uh .. gee.. mr. bernstein.. uh what is my risk here.. duh..???

Wouldn't you agree that this move, increased the "Exposure" - the "Risk" for Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. ?

I mean for a decade Warner Bros. had managed to simply ignore their blatant non-disclosure of Massive Shareholder Fraud. In this they had seemed to dance around and to avoid legal issues, avoid SEC Complaints and Pretty much Commit Silent Fraud that had, well gone unnoticed by many - MANY shareholders... for nearly a decade...

And in one Dumb Ass Move Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. Publicly Displays, Admits the HUGE Error that Warner Bros. Made, admits that Warner Bros. had ignored it, asks Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies what the risk is for Time Warner Inc. - Warner Bros. and then after this opening of a Dialogue with Iviewit Technologies after nearly a decade ...

well Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. simply disappears.. after Curtis Lu - Time Warner Inc. has a detailed conversation with Eliot Bernstein of Iview Technologies and Fully grasps the Billions in Shareholder Liability and the MAJOR Fraud and Liability to insurance companies and bond holders for not disclosing this liability for a decade.. well then Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. Simply Does Nothing..

so Why did Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. initiate a half ass risk management conversation with Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies?

Well so that Curtis Lu could manage the Risk of the Shareholders being Concerned, Mad and all those pesky shareholder questions... you see apparently the Smart Literate Shareholders of Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros and AOL are VERY Concerned about the millions of dollars of risk and liability that they will have to encure when the Iviewit Financial Bomb drops and .. this will be retroactive..

another words this will be a massive mess and over the last decade.. the Shareholders are calling Curtis Lu and Complaining, they are worried about this Iviewit Thing and what it means to them and to their heirs... and well rightfully so as it is a VERY Big Deal..

The kind of Big Deal that the CEO Jeffrey Bewkes and the VP Curtis Lu can simply brush off and the kind of Big Deal that YOU and your Heirs will pay millions upon millions for..

Curtis Lu can now say... oh yes I have spoke with Mr. Bernstein of Iviewit and I have successful assessed the risk .. no worries Mr. and Mrs. Shareholder all is well..

Now of Course the Share holders have Brains, Can Read and Can think for themselves and easily see that one day all this will come to light as the Truth tends to do that... Jeffrey Bewkes CEO of Time Warner seems to be completely blind as to what is going here..

However the Email from Lorie Coulombe - Executive Director - Time Warner Inc. Investor Relations and the Conversation that Curtis Lu had with Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies and his attorney WELL that pretty much admits that Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros. knows of this massive fraud and always has... Shareholders need to be aware as you are the ones who will pay the price...

It Seems that Curtis Lu, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel and Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Time Warner Inc. is soon to be attending a major Compliance Officer meeting.. this would be the perfect opportunity for Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. to get his Oh Shit Plan Ready... as NOW the Liability has doubled for the intent, the blatant fraud... and the major Shareholder Corruption has just been admitted to AGAIN...

Time Warner (NYSE:TWX)
SVP, Deputy CG, Chief Compliance Officer
Curtis Lu
Will Be Attending Compliance Week 2010
Check Out the List of People he will be around
I wonder if Curtis Lu - Time Warner will Tell any of this folks of the MAJOR Shareholder Fraud he is aware of and Deliberately Keeping from Shareholders?

Links to More on the Iviewit - Warner Bros., Time Warner Inc., Jeffrey Bewkes, Curtis Lu and AOL Connection.
SEC Complaint
iViewit Website
My Blog on the Iviewit Stolen Patent
David Colter Emails, John Caulkins Emails, Chuck Dages, and Alan Bell
Warner Bros. Posts on my Iviewit Blog

Links from Iviewit Web Page about Warner Bros.


Curtis Lu

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