Sunday, February 14, 2010

Summit 1031 Bankruptcy Blogger - I Blog about your Court Case, your Bankruptcy, your NEWS and you Get Questioned ON THE RECORD?

are YOU Kidding ???
Deposed about a Blogger you Never Met?

Is this Really Part of the US Justice System Bankruptcy Courts, and a way to SPEND Creditors Money.. ?? harassing a Whistleblower like Stephanie DeYoung about an Investigative Blogger whom she did not first contact about the Summit 1031 Story... and has to this day never met... WHY ?

What is the Bankruptcy Courts, the Trustees, the US Department of Justice Hiding in all this .. that their defense tactic is .. about ME, a Blogger... and finding some Legal Loophole to Stop an Industry Insider - a Legal Whistleblower, from Telling the True Story of a 40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy of Which Real - Real Estate Victims had REAL Loss and Continue to ...

The Video Below is Stephanie DeYoung being Questioned about me, Crystal Cox ~ Investigative Blogger on Why I was Blogging about the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy.

Keep in mind They never asked me why I was blogging about the Summit 1031 bankruptcy, so they were obviously simply trying to scare, harass and intimidate a Bankruptcy Whistleblower into Shutting Up.

What is the Point of Harassing Depositions with Seriously Irrelevant Questions.

What is a Whistleblower By Law? Does Kevin Padrick Know, does the Bend County Attorney Know, Does David Aman know.. and if So why these Harassing Questions..

So funny.. a blogger gets, picks up, finds, or is brought to the attention of a Story, and the people involved in the story who have never met the Blogger get Deposed (Harassed) ABOUT the Blogger.. in which they have no control over.. WHAT ???

Seriously this is a GOOD Use of Creditors Money in the Bankruptcy Courts...??? educating David Aman of Tonkon Torp, the US Trustee, Obsidian Finance and Kevin Padrick on what a Blog Is.

Blogs are the NEWS .. I was Reporting the News... Stephanie Studebaker - DeYoung's Blog WAS and is an Industry Whistleblower Blog. WhereBy a TRUE industry insider - a Whistle Blower was Reporting to YOU, Blowing the Whistle on what was Really happening behind the Closed Doors of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy. Yes related to ONE of the Summit 1031 Exchange Principals, So What.. that makes her even more of an Industry Insider - and Even More of a True - Legal Whistleblower.

Investigative Blogs are the REAL News Folks, and well NOT bought and paid for by Big Media and Corrupt Attorneys ... an Intellectual Property Attorney should know this and NOT spend your MONEY trying to figure out why someone like me cares about total strangers to the point of spending time writing about their story...

Bankruptcy Attorneys Should not Use local Cops, and District Courts including County attorneys to Attempt to harass and shut up Whistleblowers.

The Department of Justice should not stand by and Condone this behavior and the Bend District Court SHOULD not Bow to it.. so what is Really Going on in the Oregon Bankruptcy Courts ???

Stephanie DeYoung did not Create the Conflicts of Interest in the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy, she did not start the Summit 1031 Exchange Company, she did not put words in Kevin Padricks mouth or action into his step, Stephanie DeYoung did not choose the Trustee or Really Create ANY of the Activitity of the 1031 Exchange Bankruptcy.

She is Simply an industry Insider - a Whistle Blower who turned a light on in the proverbial room that THEY were conspiring to take your money in.

She has the Light Still Brightly Lit and it is not her fault if the IRS, the Oregon Law Makers, the Oregon Bar Association, the Department of Justice, the FBI and all those who are supposedly regulating the bankruptcy industry are NOT looking at the Documents and FACTS on her Blog and investigating the MESSAGE... instead of Harassing and Investigating the MESSENGER...

Don't Forget to Ask in all this .. Where is the IRS in Regulating the 1031 Exchange Business? And where is the Department of Justice in Really Protecting the Real Estate Victims HERE instead of the Bankruptcy Court games - drama and corruption..

a bit of Clarification on the Video Above..
part Two of the Video is Posted Below

I first Read about the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy in my Real Estate Writings about Kalispell Montana Real Estate and the Real Estate Victims that I saw being created by the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy as part of my Real Estate Consumer Advocate Blogs in which I am an Industry Insider and Whistleblower as a Real Estate Broker Owner.

In this I was found in the Search Engines on Summit 1031 by an Ex of Stephanie DeYoung. He had plenty of things to say, and well he gave me a Link to Stephanie's Blog, and what looked like access codes to the blog.. and what looked like inside information on the Summit Case.. so In defending the Real Estate Victims I posted a Daddy's Little Girl Post kind of Slamming Summit and touched on her belief a bit as per the blog.. the email...long story.. from there and before Stephanie Emailed me.. I read the whole email, and I went and read a small part of Stephanie's Blogs as there is an Enormous amount of information there..

I figured that much information, documents and from what I did read that her story was a Big Deal and that as a Real Estate Industry Whistleblower I wanted to learn more about the Inside of a 1031 Company and a 40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy that involved Real Estate Victims..

So I pulled out some of the information and wrote on it and linked to her blog as my source, in that she became under attack by the Bankruptcy Trustee for something she really had nothing to do with..

She emailed me links to internal posts for me to read to further clarify who she really was in all this and I removed my original posts about "Daddy's Little Girl" and other tidbits.. for their truly was a whole lot more to the story...

From this, well I have had tons of information emailed to me on Bankruptcies across the United States.. and just how Corrupt the Bankruptcy Courts are.. from the $30,000 bankruptcy to losing a home and a vehicle to Involving and Using the Bankruptcy Courts to Steal a Trillion Dollar Patent - by the Corrupt Patent Attorney as in the Iviewit Stolen Patent Case ( is my Blog on that )

And I have heard a whole lot of stories in the price range in between all involving the questionable oversight of the Department of Justice Trustee, and the Local District Courts, Supreme Courts and the Protected Law Firms in that Particular Area "Attorney Fraternity" .
We know from the Murder of Nancy Bergeson, Oregon Public Defender that Oregon's Attorney Fraternity is Particularly Deadly and they will STOP at nothing to Suppress the Truth. oregon corrupt attorney
If there is Any Law that ever was REALLY intended to Protect Industry Whistleblowers of ANY kind - well it had better protect a Woman Like Stephanie DeYoung.

What is the US Bankruptcy Trustee and those SEIZING control of the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy Assets and Paycheck Hiding that they would use District Courts and Local Cops to Attempt to Criminalize someone who is Simply making the Summit 1031 bankruptcy Transparent AS it SHOULD be.... ???

It is 40 Million Dollars of Other Peoples Money. Their Blood Sweat and tears, their life, it CERTAINLY should be Transparent.

Do District Court Judges, County Attorneys and Local Cops know about Whistleblower Laws?

Your US Tax Dollars pay for the US Bankruptcy Court Trustee and these are the Games your REALLY paying for.... instead of money out to Attorneys to GET your Money back to you the Real Estate Victims in all of this, the US Trustee ALLOWS the Bankruptcy Attorney - Trustee to Spend your Money trying to Shut up - Stephanie DeYoung the Whistleblower, the Industry Insider telling you in Great, Detailed, Proven Fact all the Details of What is really going on behind the Scenes of the Oregon Summit 1031 Bankruptcy.

They want to shut her up, arrest her, bankrupt her, harass her, defame her... simply to Keep the Truth under Wraps and to Keep the Multi-Million Dollar Pay Check of YOUR money Coming in.

Whether your a Real Estate Victim or Creditor in all this or a Tax Paying Citizen... this is Your Money .. Don't You Deserve Transparency?

Why go to this length to hide the Truth?
And where is the Department of Justice ?

Part 2 of the Video Above

All this in the Name of Justice and Due Process?
More Industry Whistleblower Videos of the
Summit 1031 Bankruptcy at Link Below
Oregon Bankruptcy Courts - Industry Insider

Stephanie DeYoung did Not Create any of This
She is Simply Blowing the Whistle
Stephanie's Blog Which I Now Own is

My Blog on the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy is

my Blogs on Bankruptcy Corruption are

posted by Investigative Blogger
Industry Whistleblower
Crystal Cox

Industry Whistleblower - Crystal L. Cox

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